Happy Book Birthday, Levi Black and David Mack!

Two exciting book birthdays to celebrate today – RED RIGHT HAND by Levi Black and Star Trek Legacies, Book 2: BEST DEFENSE by David Mack!  Oh, and a big shout out to R.S. Belcher for the great Wall Street Journal review of one of my favorite books, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WHEEL.  To quote: “The Brotherhood of the Wheel” is reminiscent of Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”—sharp, violent and insidiously creepy.” Awesome!

And now, without further ado, I’m pleased to present:

red right hand RED RIGHT HAND by Levi Black, Tor Books (B&N, Amazon, Audible, Books-a-Million, Powells)

Charlie Tristan Moore isn’t a hero. She’s a survivor. Already wrestling with the demons of her past, she finds herself tested as never before when she arrives home one night to find herself under attack by three monstrous skinhounds straight out of a nightmare. Just as hope seems lost, she is saved by a sinister Man in Black, dressed in a long, dark coat that seems to possess a life of its own and wielding a black-bladed sword in his grisly red right hand.

But her rescue comes at a cost. The Man in Black, a diabolical Elder God, demands she become his Acolyte and embrace a dark magick she never knew she possessed. To ensure her obedience, he takes her friend and possible love, Daniel, in thrall as a hostage. Now she must join The Man in Black in his crusade to track down and destroy his fellow Elder Gods, supposedly to save humanity from being devoured for all eternity.

But is The Man in Black truly the lesser of two evils–or a menace far more treacherous than the eldritch horrors she’s battling in his name?

Red Right Hand is a perfect blend of old-school horror and modern storytelling sorcery. Levi Black is absolutely riveting!” –Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Predator One

Legacies_BestDefense_Full Star Trek Legacies: Book 2: BEST DEFENSE by David Mack, Pocket Books (Note: Star Trek Legacies: Book 1: Captain to Captain by Greg Cox is the first book in the series)

Just in time for the milestone 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, an epic new trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk’s historic five-year-mission—and from one universe to another!

A debt of honor: One brave woman ventures alone into a parallel universe to save her old shipmates, exiled there decades earlier by a mysterious device called the Transfer Key. She soon learns the alternate universe harbors not just an alien invasion force, but a secret that underpins its very existence.

A mission of peace: A long-awaited Klingon-Federation peace conference convenes, led by Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan and Councillor Gorkon of Qo’noS. But both sides have enemies who would prefer the two great powers remain at war—and who will do anything to make certain hate wins the day.

An errand of justice: Captain Kirk and his crew seek the stolen Transfer Key that opens a door between universes, but their hunt is cut short by Ambassador Sarek’s plea for help. The Enterprise crew soon becomes targets in a deadly crossfire—one whose outcome will decide the fate of two universes.

Published by luciennediver

Author of books on myth, murder and mayhem, fangs and fashion.

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