Olde City, New Blood

I’ve been trying to find time since I returned from the Olde City, New Blood conference to post pics and blog about the general fabulosity of the event and the people involved.  Unfortunately, as usual when I return to the office from a con, I’ve been swamped.  But since today started with an ultrasound onContinue reading “Olde City, New Blood”

FANGTABULOUS Giveaway and new tour stops!

Happy Saturday, y’all!  Two quick things here before I run off and type like my fingers are on fire.  (Just finished writing RISE OF THE BLOOD last night and now have to type it all into my computer, print out and revise by Feb. 15th.  No pressure!  Oh, and read two proposals and a fullContinue reading “FANGTABULOUS Giveaway and new tour stops!”

The Sunshine Tour – pics et. al.

We had an incredible time on the first leg of The Sunshine Tour this past weekend.  Huge thanks to Books and Books in Coral Gables and to Barnes & Noble in Fort Myers for hosting us and to all who came!  I’m not sure why some of the pics came out fuzzy, but I willContinue reading “The Sunshine Tour – pics et. al.”