
Chiming in quickly before I run off to the World Fantasy Convention (and the award ceremony where I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed that N.K. Jemisin will win the Best Novel award for THE FIFTH SEASON, which is beautiful, unique and heartbreaking) to let you know about a wonderful freebie novella in Michelle Belanger’s ShadowsideContinue reading “Freebie!”

Tricks, Treats and Sandy Feets

I’m so, so excited for everything going on this fall for the Latter-Day Olympians series!  Check it out: –BATTLE FOR THE BLOOD (4th in the series) comes out on September 1st in trade paperback.  (Though it’s already out in digital and already available for pre-order in print at B&N, Amazon, Books-a-Million, etc.) –Trickster Blood, theContinue reading “Tricks, Treats and Sandy Feets”

FANGTABULOUS Giveaway and new tour stops!

Happy Saturday, y’all!  Two quick things here before I run off and type like my fingers are on fire.  (Just finished writing RISE OF THE BLOOD last night and now have to type it all into my computer, print out and revise by Feb. 15th.  No pressure!  Oh, and read two proposals and a fullContinue reading “FANGTABULOUS Giveaway and new tour stops!”

Men of Urban Fantasy – DD Barant

I’m thrilled to have DD Barant here with me today.  I must admit that I wanted to channel my inner UF heroine to forceably introduce some folks to their turn signals on the way to dropping my son at school today…exactly the kind of heroine that DD talks about here.  But before I introduce him,Continue reading “Men of Urban Fantasy – DD Barant”

Crossroads Blog Tour 2012!

It’s nearly that time again!  The Crossroads Blog Tour returns October 21st to 28th with thirteen fabulous young adult authors, and the chance to win a Kindle pre-loaded with a title by each author: Judith Graves – Leap Books – Under My Skin, Second Skin, Skin of My Teeth, Killer’s Instinct Joy Preble – Sourcebooks – DreamingContinue reading “Crossroads Blog Tour 2012!”

TRUST IN ME by Beth Cornelison

I’m very excited today to present Beth Cornelison, author of many wonderful books for Silhouette Romantic Suspense, HEALING LUKE from Sourcebooks Casablanca, REYN’S REDEMPTION and UNDER FIRE from Samhain, and TRUST IN ME, a small town romance perfect for bathtub or weekend reading and, best of all, FREE for the next few days for theContinue reading “TRUST IN ME by Beth Cornelison”

Contests! Kindle! Fangtastic!

Bookklovr22 from Twitter is the winner of the Fangtastic get caught reading contest!  Her B&N gift card is right now winging its way to her. To celebrate the official release date for Fangtastic (today – yay!), I’m starting a brand new Spread the Love contest, open until Valentine’s Day. There are a ton of waysContinue reading “Contests! Kindle! Fangtastic!”