BAD BLOOD is a steal!

Crazy busy today because it’s a Monday and that’s how I roll, but wanted to jump on quickly to say that the very first book in the Latter-Day Olympians series, BAD BLOOD, is available everywhere now until the end of the month for just $0.99 in the digital editions!  (And Trickster Blood, the prequel story,Continue reading “BAD BLOOD is a steal!”

Writer-speak for “Yay, my new book release tomorrow!”

Here are the kinds of crazy things that run through my head. I was going to say “a writer’s head,” but then I’d be implying that all writers share my insanity. This past weekend I was at a get-together, talking to the adults gathered about how I’m still plotting out my next Latter-Day Olympians novel.Continue reading “Writer-speak for “Yay, my new book release tomorrow!””

Tricks, Treats and Sandy Feets

I’m so, so excited for everything going on this fall for the Latter-Day Olympians series!  Check it out: –BATTLE FOR THE BLOOD (4th in the series) comes out on September 1st in trade paperback.  (Though it’s already out in digital and already available for pre-order in print at B&N, Amazon, Books-a-Million, etc.) –Trickster Blood, theContinue reading “Tricks, Treats and Sandy Feets”