Installment 4 of How I Met My Client/Agent

I’m pleased to bring you the fourth installment of How I Met My Client/How I Met My Agent, featuring Michelle Belanger, author of CONSPIRACY OF ANGELS and HARSH GODS (coming August 30th)!  Michelle is running a giveaway right now with swag packs and signed copies of HARSH GODS, so you might want to check it out if you haven’t already!

Conspiracy of Angels

How I Met My Client 

I met Michelle in the usual way—she sent me a query.  Her name rang a bell and as I read her query, I realized why.  I’d seen her before, probably more than once, but almost certainly on the History Channel’s The Secret Lives of Vampires.  Although it could have been from Vampire Secrets (A&E) or Truebloodlines (HBO) or any number of shows in which she was called upon to provide her expertise. I didn’t watch Paranormal State, but that was a big one for Michelle, and in her query letter she described herself as, “that psychic lady from the show — the really tall one all in black”.  Sure enough, she was.  Michelle is a little hard to miss.

Her experience and the way in which the Shadowside series came about really intrigued me.  Also from her query: “This series grew out of my work on Paranormal State as we traveled the country investigating possession and driving out angry ghosts. So many strange and breathless things happened both on camera and off, I wondered what kind of powers we might have if our lives were part of somebody’s novel. Eventually these thoughts blossomed into a world close to our own where all the paranormal elements that appealed to our fans (and to us) were given free reign. The Shadowside Series, starting with CONSPIRACY OF ANGELS, was the result. Fans of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files and Kat Richardson’s Greywalker Series will find a lot to love in these books. My main character Zack is tough, witty, and speaks fluent geek (like any too-smart-for-his-own-good fellow raised in the 80s). It doesn’t hurt that he’s got some magic he can sling as well.”

She wasn’t kidding about Zack.  I fell in love with him right from the start.  CONSPIRACY OF ANGELS opened:

They were after me.  I didn’t know who, and I didn’t know why, but I had to get away.

Classic way to start a novel, right?  Jump right into the middle of things.  Hook the reader.  Well, I was hooked.  She continued…

There was no other thought.

I fell through darkness till direction lost all meaning.  My seizing lungs burned.  When I fully breached the surface, I saw water and no shore. Pain chewed my awareness—pain and a wrenching sense of loss like a freshly severed limb. I groped for meaning, but it fled.

I had to keep reading.  Now, Zack has some serious issues going on, not least of which is the identity crisis to end all identity crises, but his voice, his character came through loud and clear.  I connected with him.  It’s not just that he lives in a place full of shelves overstuffed with books.  Or that he decorates with pages of illuminated manuscripts. Or his endearing Starbuck action figure (the Katee Sackhoff era). It’s his warmth and his smarts.

And he has to be strong not to be upstaged by Lil, who is beyond a force of nature and who could alone “tip the cosmic scale of snark”.  Yup, you sort of have to love Lil…or else.

So yes, I fell for Zack and Lil and the rest of Michelle’s crazy cast of characters, as well as the wonderful, rich mythos presented in the Shadowside series.  And we found a great editor at Titan Books, Steve Saffel, who shared our love and our vision for the books.  Now, I’m pleased to say, CONSPIRACY OF ANGELS is on shelves and the sequel, HARSH GODS, is coming out at the end of August (though hint, hint it’s available for pre-order now).  A third book is forthcoming, along with shorter Shadowside stories that will be released electronically to whet the appetite between times!


How I Met My Agent by Michelle Belanger

I came at all of this backwards and upside-down.

Like so many, I’d tried the get-an-agent dance before and given up. This was back in the late 80s and early 90s, when I was an impatient kid hungry to share my stories with the world — not an ideal recipe for surviving the industry grind.

It was my impatience that did me in. Back then, everything went through snail mail, and while I stalwartly weathered the rejections when they arrived, the waiting itself ate at me. It could take as long as six months to hear back from anyone, and I often had a new book written before I learned that someone hadn’t liked the first one. Mostly, I got told to stop writing about vampires and the paranormal (which is hilarious now, in retrospect), but those were the things I loved writing about. Young me quickly hit the point of “fuck it,” so I started publishing things myself.

Little did I know at the time, that decision would land me here — albeit through a long and circuitous route.

The 90s saw a profusion of underground presses and amateur magazines, off-beat labors of love often copied at places like Kinko’s, hand-assembled, and distributed through the mail. We called them ‘zines. My offering to this movement was Shadowdance, a Gothic literary journal that published all the vampire fiction and dark fantasy stories that my rejection letters kept telling me the big publishers didn’t really want.

We had a blast. Shadowdance ran from 1991 through 1996 and through it, I met a number of professionals I continue to work with to this day. One of them was Dr. J. Gordon Melton, whose inclusion of my work in his Vampire Book: Encyclopedia of the Undead lit the tinder of my unintended career as a writer of non-fiction. All the research I’d done into the folklore and mythology of vampires, as it turned out, held interest for a great many readers.

Half a dozen books later, I found myself getting invited to speak on paranormal topics for documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, and even HBO. That lead to my stint on A&E’s hit Paranormal State, where I often wandered haunted houses and abandoned prisons blindfolded and in high heels.

All of this was rewarding, not to mention great fun. But I never lost the itch to tell stories woven from the rich fabric of my folkloric interests. Several ideas for novels got jotted down in between flights to new and interesting hauntings as I worked with Paranormal State, MonsterQuest, and Monsters and Mysteries in America, but little came of them until this one scene got me in its teeth and wouldn’t let me go. It was a lone guy speeding at night toward the Cleveland skyline — nothing but him and his motorcycle and a soul-wrenching need for answers. His name was Zack, short for Zaquiel. He was the angel of memory — and he’d forgotten everything.

I had to tell that story. But I knew, if I wanted to share it with the world, I’d have to do the grind again and try to find an agent. All the non-fiction books in the world wouldn’t sell me to a publisher of fiction.

And here is where I feel like I cheated a little, even though I know I paid my dues through those twenty years of other work that led me to this point.

Lucienne Diver of the Knight Agency was the first agent I picked after my initial research to relearn the shape of the industry over on the novel writers’ side of the fence. Totally cold, I shot her an email with my pitch — and I heard back fast enough to make my head spin.

She recognized my name from The Secret Lives of Vampires.

I wasn’t expecting that, and I frankly hadn’t intended to use my appearances as my platform. Chasing ghosts on reality TV for four years was hardly proof I could write a good book. And, ultimately, it was my pitch for the Shadowside Series itself that opened the door — dour Zack on his search for answers, the sharp-tongued Lil with her spirit menagerie, and over-the-top Saliriel in all her Machiavellian glory. But that name recognition made my knock just a bit louder — loud enough that it got the right attention.

And, thanks to that, I get to share Zack’s story.


Select series quotes:

“A darkly vivid world… Her characters are intriguing, her pacing swift. More, please!”—Jim Butcher, creator of The Dresden Files

“Horrors that will send a chill up your spine.”—The Absolute

“A singular reading experience.”—Laurell K. Hamilton, bestselling creator of Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter


Other Installments of How I Met My Client/Agent:

Christie Golden

Amy Christine Parker

Carol Berg


Great Things and New Releases

I’m just back from the Cascade Writers Conference in Tacoma Washington, and I have to say that it was a fabulous trip.  The writers conference itself was lovely and featured Tor editors Beth Meacham and Claire Eddy as well as speakers Manny Frishberg, Lee Moyer, Matt Youngmark and others.  (You can check out the whole line-up here.)  Because it was small, it was also intimate, which meant that the attendees had solid, dedicated time with the pros, and we got to really know the writers in turn. On top of it, the setting was beautiful (well, not so much the La Quinta as the natural beauty of Tacoma’s waterfront and the surrounding areas). I was lucky enough to have artist Lee Moyer (whose work you seriously have to check out) drive me in from the airport and detour to Snoqualmie Falls on our way, and I cannot think of a better way to kick off a conference! There will be more pics to come, but since I want to get to my new releases and other good news, I’ll post just a few here!


As for new releases – I’m so pleased to wish a one-day-belated Happy Book Birthday to Faith Hunter for BLOOD OF THE EARTH!  Not only a new release, but the start of an all-new series spun off of her Jane Yellowrock books.  (Speaking of new series, the second Devil’s Isle novel by Chloe Neill, THE SIGHT, comes out August 16th and she and Faith Hunter are both over on the Happy Ever After blog today talking about their books!)  BLOOD OF THE EARTH is a B&N Bookseller’s Pick for The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books of August 2016, so you don’t have to take my word that it’s awesome! But, of course, to be really sure you should go out and read for yourself!   (While I’m at it, THE OBELISK GATE by N.K. Jemisin – coming August 16th- is also a B&N Pick as well as one of Kirkus’s August Science Fiction and Fantasy Books You’ll Want to Read and  The Verge’s Best Books Science Fiction and Fantasy Coming out in August.)

 blood of the earth BLOOD OF THE EARTH by Faith Hunter (B&N, Amazon, Books-a-Million, Powells)

Set in the same world as the New York Times bestselling Jane Yellowrock novels, an all-new series starring Nell Ingram, who wields powers as old as the earth.

When Nell Ingram met skinwalker Jane Yellowrock, she was almost alone in the world, exiled by both choice and fear from the cult she was raised in, defending herself with the magic she drew from her deep connection to the forest that surrounds her.

Now, Jane has referred Nell to PsyLED, a Homeland Security agency policing paranormals, and agent Rick LaFleur has shown up at Nell’s doorstep. His appearance forces her out of her isolated life into an investigation that leads to the vampire Blood Master of Nashville.

Nell has a team—and a mission. But to find the Master’s kidnapped vassal, Nell and the PsyLED team will be forced to go deep into the heart of the very cult Nell fears, infiltrating the cult and a humans-only terrorist group before time runs out…

“Hunter introduces a new heroine with ties to her “Skinwalker” series that will please fans of those books. Plenty of action, magic, and fascinating characters, both familiar and new, create another terrific urban fantasy from an established author.” —Library Journal

Happy Book Birthday, Levi Black and David Mack!

Two exciting book birthdays to celebrate today – RED RIGHT HAND by Levi Black and Star Trek Legacies, Book 2: BEST DEFENSE by David Mack!  Oh, and a big shout out to R.S. Belcher for the great Wall Street Journal review of one of my favorite books, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WHEEL.  To quote: “The Brotherhood of the Wheel” is reminiscent of Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”—sharp, violent and insidiously creepy.” Awesome!

And now, without further ado, I’m pleased to present:

red right hand RED RIGHT HAND by Levi Black, Tor Books (B&N, Amazon, Audible, Books-a-Million, Powells)

Charlie Tristan Moore isn’t a hero. She’s a survivor. Already wrestling with the demons of her past, she finds herself tested as never before when she arrives home one night to find herself under attack by three monstrous skinhounds straight out of a nightmare. Just as hope seems lost, she is saved by a sinister Man in Black, dressed in a long, dark coat that seems to possess a life of its own and wielding a black-bladed sword in his grisly red right hand.

But her rescue comes at a cost. The Man in Black, a diabolical Elder God, demands she become his Acolyte and embrace a dark magick she never knew she possessed. To ensure her obedience, he takes her friend and possible love, Daniel, in thrall as a hostage. Now she must join The Man in Black in his crusade to track down and destroy his fellow Elder Gods, supposedly to save humanity from being devoured for all eternity.

But is The Man in Black truly the lesser of two evils–or a menace far more treacherous than the eldritch horrors she’s battling in his name?

Red Right Hand is a perfect blend of old-school horror and modern storytelling sorcery. Levi Black is absolutely riveting!” –Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Predator One

Legacies_BestDefense_Full Star Trek Legacies: Book 2: BEST DEFENSE by David Mack, Pocket Books (Note: Star Trek Legacies: Book 1: Captain to Captain by Greg Cox is the first book in the series)

Just in time for the milestone 50th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, an epic new trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk’s historic five-year-mission—and from one universe to another!

A debt of honor: One brave woman ventures alone into a parallel universe to save her old shipmates, exiled there decades earlier by a mysterious device called the Transfer Key. She soon learns the alternate universe harbors not just an alien invasion force, but a secret that underpins its very existence.

A mission of peace: A long-awaited Klingon-Federation peace conference convenes, led by Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan and Councillor Gorkon of Qo’noS. But both sides have enemies who would prefer the two great powers remain at war—and who will do anything to make certain hate wins the day.

An errand of justice: Captain Kirk and his crew seek the stolen Transfer Key that opens a door between universes, but their hunt is cut short by Ambassador Sarek’s plea for help. The Enterprise crew soon becomes targets in a deadly crossfire—one whose outcome will decide the fate of two universes.

My Heist Crew!

Amy Christine Parker is doing a really fun thing for the release of her new young adult novel SMASH & GRAB, which, as you might expect from the name, is a heist novel. She’s asking people who they’d have on their heist crew, and people are tweeting and otherwise posting, using the hashtags #Smash&Grab and #MyHeistCrew. As some of you may know, tweeting is a challenge for me. I’m voluble. I want to reason and give supporting arguments and all that jazz. Thus, I’ve decided on an entire blog post.

So, here’s my heist crew (if they’d have me)!

Ramez Naam: he can plot like a sumbitch, and keep multiple complex threads weaving in and out of each other in a way that would make my head spin. Plus, he’s able to see and present all sides of an issue. Invaluable when it comes to planning a heist, I should think! Also, R.S. Belcher, because I’ve just read his new Golgotha novel QUEEN OF SWORDS (which will knock everyone’s socks off!) and he writes an amazing Anne Bonny. Anyone who’s had Anne Bonny in his head for so long can no doubt pull of a heist almost single-handedly! In fact, it would be incredible to have all of my authors in on the plotting/planning stages. What a think tank that would be!

Big Brian: Full name left out to protect the, uh, innocent. Yes, it’s true, I might have a friend who might once in his misspent youth have been a computer hacker and who would absolutely be part of any crew I’d assemble. Although, he’d have to stay in the background because at six foot six he might be a little conspicuous otherwise!

Amy herself would, of course, need to be part of the crew. I can only assume that having extensively researched SMASH & GRAB she’s learned a thing or two.

As for feet on the ground? Egads, I’m forty-mumble years old. I’m certainly not in any shape for ducking, dodging or outrunning anyone. Let’s see…ah ha! My authors Christina Henry and Chloe Neill (and probably others) run marathons, which blows me away. They’d be fleet on their feet. And there’s Keith R.A. DeCandido, who is a second degree black belt in karate, so he might be able to handle a heist. Oh, and I’d have to have my friend Sal Torres on the team, even if I had to ask him the specifics of his martial art, which it turns out is advanced level wushu…think Jet Li!

Peter Wheeler (aka my husband): Several reasons here. First, I think I’d be divorced if I left him off the list! Second, he’s amazing. He loves puzzles and has a brilliant mind for them. He’s all but an Eagle Scout (finished all the requirements, just never the paperwork) and so he knows an awful lot of MacGyvering. (It’s my blog and I’ll make up words as I please.) In a pinch he’s the first person I’d expect to do something with nothing. A paperclip, some chewing gum and a few wadded up napkins and viola, miracles!

There you have it. Who’s on your heist crew? Comment below, do your own blog, Facebook, Tweet or whathaveyou. Just share in the fun!

And grab SMASH & GRAB when it hits shelves tomorrow.

smash and grab

SMASH & GRAB by Amy Christine Parker (B&N, Amazon, Books-a-million, Random House Children’s Books)

Ocean’s Eleven meets the star-crossed lovers of West Side Story. Grab some popcorn and get ready for an adrenaline-filled heist!

LEXI is a rich girl who loves a good rush. Whether it’s motorcycle racing or BASE jumping off a building in downtown Los Angeles, the only times she feels alive are when she and her friends are executing one of their dares. After her father’s arrest, Lexi doesn’t think twice about going undercover at his bank to steal the evidence that might clear his name. She enlists her hacker brother and her daredevil friends to plan a clever heist.

CHRISTIAN is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. The local gang has blackmailed him and his friends into robbing banks, and he is desperate for a way out. When the boss promises that one really big job will be the last he ever has to do, Christian jumps at the chance for freedom. In fact, he’s just met a girl at the bank who might even prove useful…

Two heists. One score. The only thing standing in their way is each other.

Told in alternating points of view, this caper is full of romance and fast-paced fun. Hand to fans of Perfect Chemistry, The Conspiracy of Us, and Heist Society.


“This is an action-packed book that will leave you guessing until the very end. Highly recommended.” —Christina Farley, author of the best-selling GILDED series

“This book has a little bit of everything: mystery, love, diverse (and deep) characters, and a lot of heart.” —Raquel Henry, editor, Black Fox Literary Magazine

“What a delightfully fun summer read. Smash and Grab has tons of heisty goodness.” —

“A fun, adrenaline-filled story full of suspense, blackmail and characters who can’t help but fall for each other along the way!” —

“Absolutely one of the most enjoyable reads of the summer! Pure and simple: it’s a heap of fun! Run, don’t walk, to snag yourself a copy!” —Caitlin Bauer,

“Smash and Grab is a unique story about heists…I would recommend this to fans of books like Heist Society by Ally Carter.” —The Candid Cover

“There were many points where I was biting my nails wondering what was going to happen and if they were going to get caught…I really enjoyed this book.” —Once Upon A Twilight

“Entertaining, nicely paced and spiced with romance.” —

Installment 3 of How I Met My Client/Agent

I really love this new How I Met My Client/Agent series on the blog and hope you do too! One of my favorite things about it is that it illustrates the many paths to finding representation.

I first met Carol Berg at a pitch appointment at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference in 1999. Now, I’m going to tell you a secret—I met a lot of people at that conference. As I remember, they worked their guests pretty hard, with hours upon hours of back to back appointments day after day, so that by the time it was over I’d have been lucky to put any face to any name or pitch. However, I very cleverly asked Carol to send me her material. Full disclosure—as long as a pitch is in a genre I represent and doesn’t sound too off the wall or done to death or glaring with logic gaps, I will ask to see a portion, because some people are amazing writers and poor pitchers or vice versa. It’s the material that truly tells you what you need to know.

song of the beast And Carol’s material was incredible! As you might guess, I was swamped with submissions after the conference and also in general, because this was back when I was the first reader for everything at the office, not just my own submissions. So, I read always and everywhere. In bed, in the bathtub, on trains, planes and…well, not in automobiles. I get car sick when I read in the car. Except…well, my husband and I had to take a road trip and he was driving and I had so much to read that I thought maybe I could knock out a few submission reads on the way. I got to exactly one. Carol Berg had sent me synopses for four books and sample chapters for two of them.

Those chapters absolutely blew me away. In fact, I was so impressed that I read pages out loud to my husband, interjecting with pithy commentary like “Wow” and “She’s incredible!” He agreed, of course, because he is a man of perspicacity and taste. So, I read and read until I was stopped by the state of my stomach. It was worth every second.

As soon as I was back in the office, I requested fulls and was thrilled when they lived up to the promise of the partials I’d already seen.

As Carol says in her piece (up next), it wasn’t long before we had offers and a deal. Not too long thereafter, we had covers and release dates and amazing reviews pouring in.   I’m so thrilled the world has gotten to see what Pete and I knew right off the bat—that Carol Berg is a force for fantasy. We’ve been together now through her Rai-Kirah series (TRANSFORMATION, REVELATION, RESTORATION), her stand-along SONG OF THE BEAST (winner of the Colorado Book Award for Science Fiction/Fantasy), her Bridge of D’Arnath series (SON OF AVONAR, GUARDIANS OF THE KEEP, THE SOUL WEAVER and DAUGHTER OF ANCIENTS), the Lighthouse Duet (FLESH AND SPIRIT and BREATH AND BONE, Mythopoeic Award winners), the Collegica Magica series (THE SPIRIT LENS, THE SOUL MIRROR and THE DAEMON PRISM) and, most recently, the Sanctuary duology (DUST AND LIGHT and ASH AND SILVER).

She’s written some of the most memorable characters in fantasy (the tortured Seyonne from the Rai-Kirah series arguably my favorite, but there’s some very stiff competition here!). I’m so thrilled that every time a new Carol Berg novel comes in, I get to read it first!


How I Met My Agent by Carol Berg

I was a latecomer to professional fiction writing—a software engineer with three mostly grown sons, an exceptional spouse who bleeds hardware, and an omnivorous reading habit. But a friend had seduced me into writing letters “in character” to feed her own writing hobby, and I fell in love with writing fantasy novels for fun. I call it the hobby that ate my life. In 1998, I started a new story which felt different from those that had come before. It was as if I got itit being a notion that I was sitting inside the head of my hero, knowing exactly what he was feeling and experiencing. Either I had stepped to another level of writing, or I was going slightly crazy – or maybe those are really something the same.

My friend and I decided to try out the Pikes Peak Writers Conference to see what we could learn about the publishing industry. And wow, did we get an earful. Besides craft workshops, we listened to actual agents and editors talk about what they were looking for and how the publishing process works. We also met our first Real Published Author, who sat and talked to us about her career, all the good, bad, and elsewise. This generous person was Christie Golden – who, as it happens, appeared in this very column not so long ago!

That conference also introduced me to the Friday afternoon Read-and-Critique session. The R&C, aka the “split your chest open in front of the whole world session,” is where eight or ten writers read the first few pages of their work for a pro and get a critique on the spot. I tried it, and truly thought I was going to bleed out before I’d ever read a word. But the reception was positive, so I came back a year later and tried it again. By this time, my breakthrough story had won the first novel contest at Pikes Peak, and I had started a new story to read for a fantasy/science fiction editor from Roc Books.

The editor hardly said anything. I didn’t think she liked it. But when my friend shoved me into a ten-minute pitch session with her, in which I babbled incoherently for eight minutes, the editor said she wanted to see that book when I was finished with it.

Amid stunned incoherence, my ever trusty friend and I retreated to our computer and started researching agents. And what did we find out? One of the guest agents at Pikes Peak that year was Lucienne Diver, who not only had a stellar reputation, but represented Christie Golden, who had been so kind and open the previous year! So I squeezed in an appointment with Lucienne, and immediately decided that this was the person I wanted to help me through this new adventure. Calm, professional, exuding smarts and common sense, she agreed to read some chapters of my completed book, the contest winner. A few weeks later she offered representation, and when I finished the book Roc had requested, I sent it straight to her. Six days later we had an offer, and was I ever delighted that I had Lucienne in my corner.

On that day, and many days since, I have appreciated her knowledge of the market and the industry, and her support for my writing. Despite my initial, let us call it incoherent exuberance, I was a grown-up, and she has never treated me otherwise, providing the necessary information and context for me to make my own decisions. I love that, and Lucienne!


Other Installments of How I Met My Client/Agent:

Christie Golden

Amy Christine Parker

More awesome July releases!

Before I even get into new releases – and July is an incredible month for them! – I want to give huge shout outs to N.K. Jemisin for her World Fantasy Award Nominee THE FIFTH SEASON and to Genevieve Cogman, whose novel THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY has just come out in the US to great acclaim and was one of Good Morning America’s beach read recommendations this past week!

And now, the new releases. Already this month we’ve had PAPER AND FIRE by Rachel Caine, MIDNIGHT SERENADE by Alli Sinclair and TEMPTING THE DRAGON by Karen Whiddon.  Today we have one all-new book – RED QUEEN by Christina Henry, sequel to her hit novel ALICE – and three exciting reissues – the Path novels by Diana Pharaoh Francis, her first-ever trilogy. Check them out!  (And later this month, we have SMASH & GRAB by Amy Christine Parker and RED RIGHT HAND by Levi Black, but now I’m getting ahead of myself!)

red_queen_front mech.inddRedQueen UK RED QUEEN by Christina Henry (US: B&N, Amazon; UK: Titan Books)

The author of Alice takes readers back down the rabbit hole to a dark, twisted, and fascinating world based on the works of Lewis Carroll…
The land outside of the Old City was supposed to be green, lush, hopeful. A place where Alice could finally rest, no longer the plaything of the Rabbit, the pawn of Cheshire, or the prey of the Jabberwocky. But the verdant fields are nothing but ash—and hope is nowhere to be found.

Still, Alice and Hatcher are on a mission to find his daughter, a quest they will not forsake even as it takes them deep into the clutches of the mad White Queen and her goblin or into the realm of the twisted and cruel Black King.

The pieces are set and the game has already begun. Each move brings Alice closer to her destiny. But, to win, she will need to harness her newfound abilities and ally herself with someone even more powerful—the mysterious and vengeful Red Queen…

Path series: PATH OF FATE (B&N, Amazon), PATH OF HONOR (B&N, Amazon), PATH OF BLOOD (B&N, Amazon)

I’ve put  only the cover copy for PATH OF FATE below to avoid any spoilers, but trust me when I say you’ll want the whole series!

Unlikely heroine Reisil and her goshawk companion face their unexpected destiny in this captivating first novel of an epic fantasy trilogy.

Orphaned by her mother and passed from family to family in the village of Kallas in the land of Kodu Riik, Reisil feels as if she will never truly belong. But her training as a tark, or healer, offers her the promise of acceptance by the townsfolk, and as her talents emerge, it appears she will finally be able to hold her head high.

But fate has another path in store: A goshawk named Saljane swoops into her life, and Reisil discovers that she is able to communicate telepathically with the animal. This is an undeniable sign that Reisil has been chosen by Lady Amiya, the goddess of Kodu Riik, to become an ahalad-kaaslane—a guardian of the land who must live a life of constant travel and forgo the very bonds of family and community the girl healer so desires.

Though the role of ahalad-kaaslane is a noble one, Reisil cannot bear the thought of losing the ties with society she has worked so hard to form. She rejects the Lady’s appointment, ignoring the goshawk no matter how persistently it follows her. But when a kidnapping plot breaks a treaty with the neighboring country of Patverseme, Reisil realizes the sentient bird of prey is the only creature capable of tracking the traitors down and saving Kodu Riik from the evils of war.

Reluctantly, Reisil accepts her destiny as an ahalad-kaaslane, and embarks on a dangerous pursuit of the kidnappers—and a perilous trek of self-discovery—in order to save two kingdoms.

A feminist fantasy of honor and perseverance that features a special soul-to-soul bond with a blessed animal, Path of Fate was nominated for the Mary Roberts Rinehart Award.

Awesome New Releases

I have three very different but all awesome new releases coming out next week.  Since it’s a holiday weekend coming up, I wanted to spread the word early (often is good too!).

All to be found in the wild on July 5th:

 PAPER AND FIRE by Rachel Caine (US, UK), sequel to INK AND BONE, which was one of Barnes & Nobles’ Best Science Fiction and Fantasy novels of 2015

In Ink and Bone, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine introduced a world where knowledge is power, and power corrupts absolutely. Now, she continues the story of those who dare to defy the Great Library—and rewrite history…  

With an iron fist, The Great Library controls the knowledge of the world, ruthlessly stamping out all rebellion, forbidding the personal ownership of books in the name of the greater good.   Jess Brightwell has survived his introduction to the sinister, seductive world of the Library, but serving in its army is nothing like he envisioned. His life and the lives of those he cares for have been altered forever. His best friend is lost, and Morgan, the girl he loves, is locked away in the Iron Tower and doomed to a life apart.   Embarking on a mission to save one of their own, Jess and his band of allies make one wrong move and suddenly find themselves hunted by the Library’s deadly automata and forced to flee Alexandria, all the way to London.   But Jess’s home isn’t safe anymore. The Welsh army is coming, London is burning, and soon, Jess must choose between his friends, his family, or the Library willing to sacrifice anything and anyone in the search for ultimate control…

midnight serenade

MIDNIGHT SERENADE by Alli Sinclair (Called LUNA TANGO in Australia, where it won 2014 Book of the Year in the AusRom Today Readers’ Choice Awards and the author won Best New Romance Author at the Australian Romance Readers Association Convention)

On the sultry streets of Buenos Aires, the daughter of a world class tango diva searches for answers about the mother who abandoned her-and uncovers decades of lies and deception… After twenty years of wondering why her mother chose the tango over her, Dani McKenna finally travels to Argentina. What was it about this beautiful, mysterious land that enticed one woman away from her own child-and broke another’s heart? As a journalist, Dani may have the opportunity to find out. And an enigmatic tango dancer may hold the key to her quest-if she can break down his defensive walls. Carlos Escudero had been Dani’s mother’s protege. Tragedy ended his career and he refuses to be interviewed. But he will give Dani some insights, on one condition: she must agree to his tango lessons. As the two begin the intricate dance of passion, Dani’s quiet, logical world is exchanged for one of music, motion-and mystery. For the clues to a tango legend’s murder may lead Dani to the truth about the past and its impact on her family-and free her to move toward a future she can claim as her own at last…”

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Investigative reporter Rance Sleighter had promised to prove the mythical Lake Creature existed. But its protector had already given him a heap of trouble, as well as inspired one too many hot fantasies. If Rance was going to get some answers, he’d have to get on the gorgeous Jade Burnett’s good side…and keep her away from his bed!

For generations, Jade’s shape-shifting pack had kept the Creature safe. Now Rance’s appearance had her rethinking all her vows. She’d seen him in her dreams, knew he was a shifter and that they possibly shared a life-changing bond. Yet could she find the courage to trust the dragon with the truth…and her own fragile heart?

Installment 2: How I Met My Client

This is technically the third installment of How I Met My Client, since these posts were inspired by one of our Knight Agency newsletters where I talked about the story of meeting Lynn Flewelling for the first time and had her share the story from her perspective as well.  Not long ago, Christie Golden kicked off the theme here on my blog.  Today I’m very excited to talk about How I Met My Client Amy Christine Parker and to have her talk about how she met her agent (spoiler alert: me)!

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How I Met My Client Amy Christine Parker

I met Amy when I came out to talk with her writers group and subsequently when I attended a meeting of her critique group out here in Florida (where you may or may not know I work from a home office after spending 15 years in Manhattan). Her critique group shared work, and I was impressed with Amy’s writing, particularly her ability to make an impact with her sentences. She had a natural sense of when to use one word sentences or a one sentence paragraph, a natural way with flow and immediacy that really impressed me. But her first idea wasn’t one that I thought would fly.

As Amy mentions in her blog post below, we kept in touch. One day, as I remember it, I asked what she was working on currently. When she told me, I got goosebumps. The story she laid out was about a girl who’d grown up in a cult. The End Times were coming, according to their prophet, and Lyla can’t bring herself to do some of the things he says must be done, like killing others who would threaten their way of life. And as Lyla starts to discover pieces that don’t fit with what the prophet tells them is true, she has reason to fear for her own survival. If Lyla is wrong about the prophet, she might doom herself and everyone she loves, but if she’s right…

You see, chills. I asked her to send it to me when she finished, already dying to read it.

My e-mail archive doesn’t go back far enough for me to check and be sure, but I believe I began reading the complete on a Wednesday night and that by mid-day Thursday I e-mailed Amy asking whether she wanted to meet Friday for coffee to discuss. See, I was halfway through and already knew I had something special here. I strongly suspected that I would take this on, but I had to finish first, just in case things fell apart at the end. I was so enamored, though, that I knew that even if we hit that worst-case scenario, we could discuss revisions and brainstorm fixes and I’d ask for a revise and resubmit. Well, I’m happy to say that things did not fall apart and I absolutely fell in love with the novel. (Although I did, of course, have some thoughts on how to make it even stronger.)

We met for coffee that Friday and discussed the book, at the time called THE SILO, and by the time the ice was melting in our drinks (latte for me, black tea lemonade for Amy), I had a new client and Amy had an agent.

Next came the revision and the submissions and the waiting, which is always the worst part of the job. However, in this case my enthusiasm for the book was so contagious we received some really quick reads and almost instant interest. One auction later, we’d sold the book and a sequel to Random House Children’s Books, where they came to be called GATED and ASTRAY. Plus, Amy’s got a third suspenseful YA novel, SMASH & GRAB coming July 19th.

I’m so pleased at the way it’s all worked out!

And now, here’s our story from Amy’s perspective:

How I Met My Agent

By Amy Christine Parker

Have you ever met someone and just known that you were meant to meet them? I am a pretty pragmatic person, but the moment I was introduced to Lucienne that’s exactly how I felt. In my gut I knew she would play some part in my writer’s journey. I had no premonition that she would one day be my agent—that seemed like way too much to hope for at the time given where I was in terms of skill—but I did feel like our paths crossing was not accidental.

I was fairly new to writing and was attending a local writers group. All I knew about publishing I had literally Googled. Green doesn’t even begin to describe me! But, I had an overwhelming desire to write and to one day see my work on book shelves. Getting the chance to meet a real live agent—in Florida no less—was a dream come true!

Lucienne had been invited to my writers group by one of the other members. I was so nervous I could barely think straight, but Lucienne was warm and engaging. It was easy to feel comfortable around her. She read some of our work, made comments then shared some of her own writing. I was blown away by what she brought to read and by the advice she gave. That night I left feeling inspired to work harder than ever to hone my craft.

Afterwards, I began following Lucienne on social media and regularly read this blog, commenting when I enjoyed something she said or wrote. Because we live relatively close to each other, she visited my writers group several more times. Gradually, we became friends. What impressed me most was how passionate she is about agenting, her clients, and books. She loves what she does and it shows. The more I got to know her, the more I became convinced that I would be very, very fortunate to have her one day offer me representation.

When it came time to query my first novel, she was at the top of my list. That first novel wasn’t ready for publication and was rejected by every agent I queried including Lucienne, but she took the time to let me know that she thought I had potential. She even offered to look at my next novel when it was ready. Seven months later it was and I queried her first, exclusively. I knew I’d benefit from waiting to query anyone else until she weighed in. Luckily for me, she made an offer! I’ve never said yes to someone so fast in my entire life (not even my husband, but don’t tell him that).

We’ve worked together for about four years now and she’s closed deals for the book she offered on and three more since. I couldn’t be happier. I am keenly aware of how blessed I am to have met her the way I did. Most writers never have the opportunity to get to know their prospective agents so thoroughly before they agree to representation. I am thankful to work with her and to be able to call her my friend.

The Dreamland Chronicles

Wm. Mark Simmons is a genius.  There, I said it.  On the surface, his books are rollicking good times, full of action, puns and fun.  Below the surface…well, they’re like an iceberg. There’s so much more you don’t see unless you care to look.  So I’m so pleased that his Dreamland Chronicles are now available for the first time in electronic form!  Herewith, I present to you IN THE NET OF DREAMS and WHEN DREAMS COLLIDE.  (WOMAN OF HIS DREAMS is forthcoming.)

You might also want to check out his Halflife Chronicles from Baen Books: ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE, DEAD ON MY FEET, HABEAS CORPSES and DEAD EASY.  A long-awaited fifth book in the series is under contract!

in the net of dreams

A world like no other…

“A high-tech heroic fantasy full of adventure, puns, and damn good reading. Well thought out.” Pulsar

The award-winning Dreamland Chronicles are now in ebook!
In Dreamland, you can experience your wildest fantasies come true.

But not all fantasies are meant to become reality…

Dreamland takes you out of your body and into computer-generated worlds where anything you can imagine is possible. People become avatars, battle dragons and wield swords, spells and their wits.

Ride the open prairie with Jessie James or Billy the Kid, in Frontierworld. Sprout gills and experience an undersea adventure in Oceanworld. Hunt dinosaurs and meet the missing link in Primalworld. Fight a dragon and rescue a fair damsel from the black knight in Fantasyworld, the oldest and most popular of the Dreamland programs.

In the first book of the Dreamland Chronicles, the reader is introduced to Michael Straeker and his virtual friends. When Dreamworld is doomed to oblivion and all the Gamers who dwell there are imperilled, former programmer Robert Ripley is sent in to rescue them and discover what has infected the system.

Written with a great deal of humour, suspense and wordplay, In the Net of Dreams is the first book of the gripping Dreamland Chronicles, an enthralling blend of science fiction and fantasy. For fans of Ernest Cline, this will be a perfect read.

when dreams collide.jpg When Dreams Collide is William Mark Simmons’ gripping sequel in Dreamland, the place where your wildest dreams – and nightmares – come true…

Dreamland takes you out of your body and into computer-generated worlds where anything you can imagine is possible. People become avatars, battle dragons and wield swords, spells and their wits.

In this thrilling second instalment, Robert Ripley thought he had things all wrapped up.

But soon, he is feared dead along with seventy-one passengers and crew members in the crash of a Russian Aeroflot jetliner.

Meanwhile, the psychotic Artificial Ego and the Superego of Dreamland have escaped…

Their plan: to kill six billion innocents.

When Dreams Collide is an enthralling blend of science fiction and fantasy, humour and break-neck action.

Read All About it!

invisible library us.jpg I’m so, so excited about today’s new release, THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY by Genevieve Cogman!  Now, you may already have heard me talk about this book.  That’s because it made a big splash in the UK and is now available in the US! Already it’s made lists: The Independent’s 10 Best Fantasy Novels, Book Plank’s Best Debuts of 2015, Library Reads June 2016 Top Ten Books, Barnes & Noble’s The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of June, Amazon’s list of top SF/F Books of June, and Bookish’s list of Summer 2016’s Must-Read Science Fiction & Fantasy Books.

And quotes!  Oh boy-howdy, do we have quotes!

“Cogman conjures visuals that scream to be brought to life by ILM and brought to the masses who – for reasons unfathomable – bypass the book stores.

Get in early and make sure you get on the I-read-the-book-before-it-was-a-movie side of the fence, you know how us readers like to be smug…” —GEEKChocolate

“The Invisible Library” is one of the most pleasurable debuts of the year.” —Upcoming

“The Invisible Library is great fun…a total geek-out for bibliophiles.”—PopVerse

“An involving, thoroughly enjoyable adventure that will bring the reader back for more.”Sci-Fi Bulletin

“The Invisible Library is an interesting mix; Sapphire and Steel meets The Unseen University by way of The Parasol Protectorate, which makes it a thoroughly entertaining mis-match and great fantasy romp.” —Starburst Magazine

“THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY is everything I could ever want out of a book” –Fantasy Book Review

“The Invisible Library is a great start of the new series, inventive and highly addicted.” —Book Plank

“Holy WOW, this is quite possibly my favourite new book of the year! Seriously, it’s kicking off an an amazingly unique series, and I just well and truly loved it!” —Reality’s a Bore

“I loved The Invisible Library and the world Cogman has created in her debut. This book is just an amazingly fun read… With The Invisible Library Cogman has set the bar high for 2015 debuts, for pure fun, enjoyment and zest for life if nothing else.” —Fantastical Librarian

Genevieve Cogman offers an addictive start to a new series…if you’re a fan of the likes of Doctor Who, Fringe or The Librarians, or in fact, just fun urban fantasy in general, you won’t want to miss this.” —The Fictional Hangout

“I absolutely loved this—steampunk flavored with truly unique mythology and a dash of the eldritch.  Such clever, creepy, elaborate worldbuilding and snarky, sexy-smart characters! Also, remote-controlled alligators. You just can’t go wrong with that.” —N.K. Jemisin, award-winning author of THE INHERITANCE TRILOGY and THE FIFTH SEASON

“This was a brilliant debut novel by Genevieve Cogman… Fans of Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series, Deborah Harkness’ Discovery of Witches trilogy, TNT’s The Librarians tv series, and book lovers in general will fall in love with the world of The Invisible Library.” —BookWyrm Reviews

But you can see for yourself!  The book is out today, and if these reviews (and the cover copy below) don’t make you want to run out and grab it for yourself, maybe you’d like to win a copy over on Ace and Roc Books’ Facebook page.  And don’t forget to look for the upcoming sequels, THE MASKED CITY and THE BURNING PAGE!

invisible library us Cover Copy:

Collecting books can be a dangerous prospect in this fun, time-traveling, fantasy adventure from a spectacular debut author.
One thing any Librarian will tell you: the truth is much stranger than fiction…

Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, a shadowy organization that collects important works of fiction from all of the different realities. Most recently, she and her enigmatic assistant Kai have been sent to an alternative London. Their mission: Retrieve a particularly dangerous book. The problem: By the time they arrive, it’s already been stolen.

London’s underground factions are prepared to fight to the death to find the tome before Irene and Kai do, a problem compounded by the fact that this world is chaos-infested—the laws of nature bent to allow supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic to run rampant. To make matters worse, Kai is hiding something—secrets that could be just as volatile as the chaos-filled world itself.

Now Irene is caught in a puzzling web of deadly danger, conflicting clues, and sinister secret societies. And failure is not an option—because it isn’t just Irene’s reputation at stake, it’s the nature of reality itself…

FEATURING BONUS MATERIAL: including an interview with the author, a legend from the Library, and more!