So excited that today introduces the world to HONOR AMONG THIEVES by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre,  one of BookBub’s Biggest Teen Books for Adults Coming in 2018!   HONOR AMONG THIEVES by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre (Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins, Amazon, iBooks, Indiebound, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Powells, BAM) Meet your new favorite kickassContinue reading “HONOR AMONG THIEVES AND AWARD NOMINEES”

Book Birthday and other goodness

It seems that I’m not the only one excited about David Mack’s new release, THE MIDNIGHT FRONT, the first in his epic Dark Arts series for Tor Books. Amazon has named it one of the Best Books of the Month: Science Fiction & Fantasy. Sci-Fi Bulletin calls it, “A terrific opening salvo in this rewritingContinue reading “Book Birthday and other goodness”

Delights in December!

So excited to share with you this week’s amazing new releases from my list! KILLMAN CREEK by Rachel Caine, sequel to STILLHOUSE LAKE (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound) Every time Gwen closed her eyes, she saw him in her nightmares. Now her eyes are open, and he’s not going away. Gwen Proctor won the battleContinue reading “Delights in December!”

December Book Birthdays!

For your reading and gift buying pleasure, some awesome new releases out today!  FLAME IN THE DARK (Soulwood #3) by Faith Hunter (Ace, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Books-a-million, Indiebound) Set in the same world as Faith Hunter’s New York Times bestselling Jane Yellowrock novels, the third, thrilling Soulwood novel stars Nell Ingram, who draws herContinue reading “December Book Birthdays!”

Good Things/GoodReads!

I’m so, so excited that The Knight Agency has four authors in the final round of the GoodReads Choice Awards! I love these awards, which highlight worthy titles and always threaten to overload my TBR pile. I hope you’ll vote however your inclination, but I have to send a special shout out to: Rachel Caine forContinue reading “Good Things/GoodReads!”

New in November!

  It seems like folks have started coming out with their holiday gift-giving guides, which are absolutely wonderful! I’m excited so far to see B&N recommending THE STONE SKY by N.K. Jemisin and Star Wars: Battlefront II: INFERNO SQUAD by Christie Golden as Fantastic Gifts for Sci-Fi & Fantasy Lovers. I heartily agree! I’ve gotContinue reading “New in November!”

Shout outs!

Huge congratulations today to Rachel Caine, whose amazing suspense novel STILLHOUSE LAKE is not only a Kindle bestseller, but a USA Today bestseller as well! Happy Ten Year Anniversary to Orbit Books in the US! To celebrate, they’re making the e-books for ten of their most popular titles, including N.K. Jemisin’s award winning SFF novel THE FIFTHContinue reading “Shout outs!”

New releases!

So much happened last week that I didn’t get a chance to post all of the awesome news here, though I did at least tweet it out! (For those on Twitter who don’t yet follow me but would like to, I’m @luciennediver.) But, I will remedy that today and hopefully get caught up enough byContinue reading “New releases!”

New releases and such!

With a million things (no exaggeration!) to do before leaving for vacation in Italy, I’m posting my happy book birthdays for this week and next a little early, but I hope that I can be forgiven for that, especially when I return with wonderful travel experiences and pictures to share with the class! So, withoutContinue reading “New releases and such!”

OASIS, Awards and Tottering TBR piles!

I’m just back from OASIS, a small convention in the Orlando area that featured the fabulous Faith Hunter as their Guest of Honor. Pre-con festivities started with the GoH’s day out at Universal. A wonderful group gathered to take in Harry Potter World, The Hulk, Kong, The Mummy and many other rides at both UniversalContinue reading “OASIS, Awards and Tottering TBR piles!”