The Broken Earth series!

I’m not saying you have to run out and grab N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth series right now – for yourself and everyone you know – I’m just saying that THE FIFTH SEASON is back on the USA Today Bestseller list this week two years after initial publication, that it won the 2016 Hugo Award forContinue reading “The Broken Earth series!”

Amazing news for N.K. Jemisin!

 I keep wondering where on earth to start with all of the exciting news for N.K. Jemisin, and decided I couldn’t go wrong with the author’s own words. From Twitter, “OhdearGodIthoughtIwasgonnablowagasketholdingthisin. Big news re THE FIFTH SEASON!“. If you followed the link (or have already seen the news all over social media), yup, you’ve readContinue reading “Amazing news for N.K. Jemisin!”

OASIS, Awards and Tottering TBR piles!

I’m just back from OASIS, a small convention in the Orlando area that featured the fabulous Faith Hunter as their Guest of Honor. Pre-con festivities started with the GoH’s day out at Universal. A wonderful group gathered to take in Harry Potter World, The Hulk, Kong, The Mummy and many other rides at both UniversalContinue reading “OASIS, Awards and Tottering TBR piles!”

Great Reads for a Rainy Day

Greetings! Hope it’s drier where you all are than it is here. Thunderstorms, pouring rain. A great day to stay in with a good book! Luckily, Barnes & Noble has a list of some of the best new science fiction and fantasy releases of May for your reading pleasure, including Faith Hunter’s latest, COLD REIGN!Continue reading “Great Reads for a Rainy Day”

New Year, New Releases, New Shout Outs!

Happy New Year! Despite our challenges ahead, I hope it truly will be a happy, healthy, hopeful, magical new year for you all. I’m excited about the kick off to the year, which has already included: the big Publishers Weekly announcement of the new Faith Hunter sales an interview with me over on The BigContinue reading “New Year, New Releases, New Shout Outs!”

Awards, Best of Lists and Travel, oh my!

Closing the week out on a high note, I want to send out a great, big, virtual high five to my new award-winners and those who are burning up the best of lists, so here we go! Congratulations to:  Alli Sinclair for winning Best Established Author and Best Cover for her novel UNDER THE SPANISH STARSContinue reading “Awards, Best of Lists and Travel, oh my!”

So much excitement!

There’s so much excitement going on this week that I’m bursting with news! Check it: Amy Christine Parker appeared this week on Tampa Bay’s Morning Blend in association with yesterday’s Teen Author Festival at the SouthShore Regional Library in Ruskin. I hope to find time to write up a full report on that soon, but long storyContinue reading “So much excitement!”

New Urban Fantasy releases!

First, if you missed the trick-or-treaters last night (or just want a fast, run read), check out my story in the Coastal Magic Halloween Flash Fiction event. I had a blast writing it, and if it’s one third as much fun to read…well, you get the point! In other news, Barnes & Noble called N.K. Jemisin’s THE FIFTHContinue reading “New Urban Fantasy releases!”

Shout outs!

 First of all, the most tremendous of all shout outs to N.K. Jemisin for winning the Hugo Award for Best Novel this past weekend for THE FIFTH SEASON. This is such an amazing novel and you’re such an incredible writer.  I’m thrilled to see you getting the recognition you deserve!  And readers, check out thisContinue reading “Shout outs!”

Awesome new releases by Chloe Neil & N.K. Jemisin!

So excited about today’s new releases: THE OBELISK GATE by N.K. Jemisin and THE SIGHT by Chloe Neill, coincidentally both on this month’s list by Smart Bitches, Trashy Books of exciting August releases! As a quick intro, THE OBELISK GATE is the sequel to N.K. Jemisin’s THE FIFTH SEASON, which had been up for a whole host ofContinue reading “Awesome new releases by Chloe Neil & N.K. Jemisin!”