Awards and books, books, books!

It’s been insanely busy around here, so while I’ve tweeted and Facebooked (yup, today it’s a verb), I haven’t yet blogged my HUGE congratulations to N.K. Jemisin for her Best Novel Nebula Award win for THE STONE SKY! So well-deserved! And congratulations to the other amazing nominees and award-winners! In more recent news, Faith Hunter’sContinue reading “Awards and books, books, books!”


So excited that today introduces the world to HONOR AMONG THIEVES by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre,  one of BookBub’s Biggest Teen Books for Adults Coming in 2018!   HONOR AMONG THIEVES by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre (Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins, Amazon, iBooks, Indiebound, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Powells, BAM) Meet your new favorite kickassContinue reading “HONOR AMONG THIEVES AND AWARD NOMINEES”

Book Birthday and other goodness

It seems that I’m not the only one excited about David Mack’s new release, THE MIDNIGHT FRONT, the first in his epic Dark Arts series for Tor Books. Amazon has named it one of the Best Books of the Month: Science Fiction & Fantasy. Sci-Fi Bulletin calls it, “A terrific opening salvo in this rewritingContinue reading “Book Birthday and other goodness”

Good Things/GoodReads!

I’m so, so excited that The Knight Agency has four authors in the final round of the GoodReads Choice Awards! I love these awards, which highlight worthy titles and always threaten to overload my TBR pile. I hope you’ll vote however your inclination, but I have to send a special shout out to: Rachel Caine forContinue reading “Good Things/GoodReads!”

New releases!

So much happened last week that I didn’t get a chance to post all of the awesome news here, though I did at least tweet it out! (For those on Twitter who don’t yet follow me but would like to, I’m @luciennediver.) But, I will remedy that today and hopefully get caught up enough byContinue reading “New releases!”

New releases and such!

With a million things (no exaggeration!) to do before leaving for vacation in Italy, I’m posting my happy book birthdays for this week and next a little early, but I hope that I can be forgiven for that, especially when I return with wonderful travel experiences and pictures to share with the class! So, withoutContinue reading “New releases and such!”

New Year, New Releases, New Shout Outs!

Happy New Year! Despite our challenges ahead, I hope it truly will be a happy, healthy, hopeful, magical new year for you all. I’m excited about the kick off to the year, which has already included: the big Publishers Weekly announcement of the new Faith Hunter sales an interview with me over on The BigContinue reading “New Year, New Releases, New Shout Outs!”

More awesome July releases!

Before I even get into new releases – and July is an incredible month for them! – I want to give huge shout outs to N.K. Jemisin for her World Fantasy Award Nominee THE FIFTH SEASON and to Genevieve Cogman, whose novel THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY has just come out in the US to great acclaimContinue reading “More awesome July releases!”

Great News and Happy Book Birthdays!

I hope you all had a super-fantastic Thanksgiving, full of warmth, love, laughter and overstuffed bellies.  Coming back from a long weekend is always a mixed blessing.  You’re refreshed, you’re ready to go (unless you were trampled during any of the Black Friday sales, which I studiously avoided) and… Then you see the mountain ofContinue reading “Great News and Happy Book Birthdays!”

NY, World Fantasy, ALICE, etc.

It’s been a crazy week thus far, but I still wanted to jump on quickly for a few brief things. Number 1 (cue Kermit flail!): I’m truly excited to announce that ALICE by Christina Henry (that amazing novel I raved about to everyone who would listen) made Amazon’s list of Best Books of the Year:Continue reading “NY, World Fantasy, ALICE, etc.”