Great Reads for a Rainy Day

Greetings! Hope it’s drier where you all are than it is here. Thunderstorms, pouring rain. A great day to stay in with a good book! Luckily, Barnes & Noble has a list of some of the best new science fiction and fantasy releases of May for your reading pleasure, including Faith Hunter’s latest, COLD REIGN!Continue reading “Great Reads for a Rainy Day”

So much excitement!

This year has been filled already with so many great things for my authors that I have to take a moment out to congratulate them all! A few fabulous highlights: Both N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth and Rachel Caine’s Great Library series appeared on Bustle’s list of 18 Fantasy Series to read after ‘Glass Sword’ (theContinue reading “So much excitement!”


I’m just back (well, as of 2 a.m. Sunday night…or rather Monday morning) from meetings in New York and the World Fantasy Convention in Saratoga Springs.  I always come back from New York so energized and pumped, because a) I’ve done some great business, and b) I’ve been surrounded by people whose lives are dedicatedContinue reading “Excitement!”

APEX by Ramez Naam

If you follow me on Twitter, you may be over hearing me crow about Ramez Naam’s fabulous, award-winning sf thrillers NEXUS, CRUX and, now, APEX.  But if you’ve read the books…ah, that’s a different story!  You’ve probably already begun proselytizing yourself! APEX, the epic conclusion to the series is out today in digital and oneContinue reading “APEX by Ramez Naam”

Blogging and Books

I know, I know, I missed blogging all last week.  Apparently, it is possible to shut me up. It just takes a horrible sinus infection and a bout with pink eye to do the trick.  After a week of antibiotics and ointment, it’s now possible for me to climb stairs without dizziness, breath out ofContinue reading “Blogging and Books”