
obelisk gate So much good news to post today! First, huge congratulations to N.K. Jemisin, who’s THE OBELISK GATE, sequel to her award-winning novel THE FIFTH SEASON, is a finalist for both the Nebula Award and BooktubeSFF’s 2017 Award for Best Novel!!! (That’s right, three exclamation points. I’m that excited!)

invisible library usGenevieve Cogman has been getting a lot of love lately for her Invisible Library series, including great mentions on the Barnes & Noble blog noting 10 of Our Favorite Alternate Londons in Fantasy and the Book Bub Blog about 11 Books That Will Make You Love Libraries Even More.

inkandbone_FINAL paper and fireSpeaking of libraries, Penguin Random House is right now running a great sweepstakes for the first two novels in Rachel Caine’s bestselling Great Library series, INK AND BONE and PAPER AND FIRE, in celebration of the third novel, ASH AND QUILL, which will be out in July!

For Audiobook fans out there, Audible.com is running an amazing First-in-a-Series promotion this week. So many amazing titles that are right now just $4.95 for members, including:

Editor’s Picks

The Fifth Season (Broken Earth series) by N.K. Jemisin


Dust and Light (Sanctuary series) by Carol Berg

Ink and Bone (Great Library series) Rachel Caine

Spell Blind (Case Files of Justis Fearsson) by David B. Coe

The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library series) by Genevieve Cogman

Luck in the Shadows (Nightrunner series) by Lynn Flewelling

Iron Axe (Books of Blood and Iron) by Steven Harper

The Fifth Season (Broken Earth series) by N.K. Jemisin

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (Inheritance series) by N.K. Jemisin

Grave Witch (Alex Craft series) by Kalayna Price


Rock Addiction (Rock Kiss series) by Nalini Singh

Paranormal Romance

Working Stiff (Revivalist series) by Rachel Caine

Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires) by Rachel Caine

Blood of the Earth (Soulwood series) by Faith Hunter

Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock series) by Faith Hunter

Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires series) by Chloe Neill

Angels’ Blood (Guild Hunter series) by Nalini Singh

Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling series) by Nalini Singh


The Anatomist’s Apprentice (The Dr. Thomas Silkstone Mysteries) by Tessa Harris


Coastal Magic Convention – Part 2

Friday morning started out with me setting out my jewelry, as I do a few times a year at conventions. As you might guess, as a full-time agent and part-time writer, I don’t have a ton of time for much else, but I’ve never learned how to relax, and so I must be productive at all times. Thus, when I’m not reading or writing or negotiating, I’m generally beading or scrapbooking or traveling. Every once in awhile I lay about on the beach, but even then I have a book in hand, market reading if not a client manuscript on my Kindle. Not that I’m complaining! I got into this business because I love books and twenty-three years later, that love has only deepened.

Shortly thereafter I had the privilege of participating on the Mystery & Suspense panel with Katie Reus, Tonya Burrows, Graylin Fox, and Jana Oliver. As you may or may not know, my latest release is a young adult suspense novel entitled Faultlines (definitely one of the books of my heart), though my previous series have also employed mystery/suspense elements. You have to write what you love!


That afternoon, Alethea Kontis, Hildie McQueen, Lisa Kessler, Deborah Blake, Mari Mancusi, Jana Oliver and I banded together for the Tea & Tiaras meet and greet. There were, of course, tiaras and other largess from each of us princesses, plus giveaways. We started off very well behaved.


But then, of course, things devolved….


Or evolved, as I like to think of things, because, as you all know, well behaved women seldom make history!

That night we had the Movie Magic Mixer. There were some truly great costumes, including Mari Mancusi as Jedi Rapunzel, Chelle Olson as Katniss Everdeen, Graylin Fox as a fairy queen, Paige Tyler as a Star Trek character… I wore the same goddess outfit from the meet & greet and decided that I was Athena from the Percy Jackson books/films so that I could stay in theme! We danced our booties off and had a great time with the selfie spots that Jennifer Morris and her team had set up! If only my camera had been cooperating, I’d have more shots to share.

Whoo, and that’s all just Friday!

Saturday started out with the Remaking Mythology panel (and others, of course, but I can only speak to where I was at any given time!). Alethea Kontis, Asa Maria Bradley, Deborah Blake, Gail Z Martin, Eric R Asher and I talked about merging mythology into our stories and had a darned fine time doing it!

This was followed by a very nice conference Lunch with an Author and then, one of my favorite events, one I both look forward to and dread every yearthe Flash Fiction panel, where the audience throws things at us like post-apocalyptic vampire penguins and my fellow panelist throw out things like “scientific nipples” and…ahem, well, since I write young adult fiction, maybe I should leave out the rest, although I’m sure there are clips and perhaps a few write ups of some of the more outrageous elements! My notes below might give some indication as well. They certainly don’t do the panel justice, but maybe the looks on our faces will! (Most pics courtesy of Graceful Art & Photography. Flash Fiction panel L to R: Amy Lane, Julie Kenner, Dee Davis, Becky McGraw, Damon Suede, me, Kiernan Kelly.)

The book signing was amazing, as always, and once again I got to share a table with the wonderful Poppy Dennison. Dinner at Bubba Gump’s and a rousing few rounds of Cards Against Humanity finished off an awesome evening.

Sunday, Deborah Blake and I reprised our Mythological Jeopardy using our low-tech board and high-brow antics. (Well, antics, anyway!)


Then, with sadness, I bid Coastal Magic good-bye, and drove two and a half hours home… Or almost, anyway. Two hours and ten minutes in, give or take, my car started running rough and then making a terrible noise. I was just getting off at an exit near home and hoping to make it to somewhere I recognized when the noise turned into smoke and then an explosion like someone had set off a bomb beneath my car. I managed to steer it to the shoulder, but alas, my oil leak had led to a crack in the engine block and the car I’d been hoping to save for my son when he gets his license (any time now) was no more. We could possibly have raised it from the dead, but the repairs wouldn’t have been worth it. The car had made it twelve years and around 144,000 miles. Better it should die with me behind the wheel than our son. He’ll now have a much newer car coming to him when the time is right!

And that’s all I have to say about that.

Coastal Magic Convention – Pt. 1

Hey, all! Taking a page out of Deborah Blake’s book—because she writes really awesome books—I’m going to do the write-up of the Coastal Magic Convention in two posts, because there’s just too much awesome to fit into a single one.

First, for those who don’t know, Coastal Magic is a convention that happens every year the first weekend in February out in Daytona Beach, FL (except for the very first year when it was Olde City, New Blood and took place in St. Augustine). It was special right from the start, an intimate, casual convention of authors and readers in a beautiful beach setting.


Last year I threw my back out right before the convention then made the mistake of driving out anyway, exacerbating everything and ending up in the emergency room.  Good times! This year was even sweeter for knowing what I had missed (my con family) and knowing that Jennifer Morris, who puts this con together with love, sweat and, I don’t doubt, a few tears, had saved my spot. Thank you, Jennifer—for everything!

Deborah Blake was my roommate for Coastal Magic both this year and last (lucky her!), and I couldn’t have asked for better. We started out the con with a great lunch at Bubba Gump with a great group of people (L to R: me, Gail Z. Martin, Nancy Northcott, Eric Asher, Deborah Blake and Alethea Kontis).


We moved into a wonderful meet and mingle that evening, complete with unicorn hunt, courtesy of the wonderful T.C. Blue. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen grown adults bolting across the entire length of a ballroom to swipe a stuffed unicorn out of a light fixture before anyone gets to it. When my story is told—and it will be, probably for generations to come—please note that no actual attendees were clotheslined in the pursuit of my unicorn. Really, I swear.

To cap off the evening, we had Damon Suede’s famous Cinema Craptastique, in which he takes a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad film and makes it…well, palatable might be going too far, especially in this case. How about much more amusing than it otherwise has any right to be. This year’s choice was GLITTER, staring Mariah Carey. All I can say is that this is not to be watched without alcohol and someone like Damon to Mystery Science Theatre it. You have been warned. It is truly, horrifyingly, disjointedly bad—short scenes with as little dialogue as possible interspersed with slow-motion montages interspersed with more short scenes, many including the same two songs which seem to have been the only ones chosen for the film. I’ll give you one thing, Mariah Carey has a helluva voice, always has, but her acting… Well, I’ll just leave that right there. Anyway, Damon really gets into his work, and sometimes out of his clothes for the occasion, as you can see!

Great news and new releases!

First, huge congratulations to Faith Hunter for her Audie Award nomination in the Paranormal category for BLOOD OF THE EARTH, the first in her Soulwood series, read by Kristine Hvam!

In other audio news, R.S. Belcher’s THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WHEEL was named Fit for the Big Screen by Audible.com in their recent promotion. I couldn’t agree more.

While we’re on the big screen, Book Riot listed N.K. Jemisin’s THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS as one of their 5 Diverse Fantasies that Need Movie Adaptations!

 And now, I’m excited to present this week’s new releases – paranormal romance, and superheroes and secret identities!

twilight-crossing TWILIGHT CROSSING by Susan Krinard (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo)

Bound by blood, sealed in secrets 

A half-blood Rider, Timon has a duty to anyone under his protection, but his intense attraction to scientist Jamie McCullough is complicating his latest mission. In a moment of desperation, he makes a difficult choice. His bite heals her—and creates a bond that neither of them can resist.  

As she heads for a conclave convened to create new peace between humans and vampires, Jamie carries a secret that could secure peace everlasting. But before she has a chance to reveal it, she’s accused of bringing a vampire-killing virus to the negotiations. Though Timon is willing to pay the ultimate price to save her, can he first win the ultimate challenge of her trust?

Other titles in the Nightsiders series: Daysider, Nightmaster, Shadow Master, Night Quest and Dark Journey)

super-city-cops3SUPER CITY COPS: SECRET IDENTITIES by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Kindle, Nook, Kobo)


Lieutenant Therese Zimmerman’s life is turned upside down when a badly injured Spectacular Man stumbles into her apartment and reveals himself to be her on-again, off-again boyfriend, philanthropist Marc McLean.

At the same time, Detectives Kristin Milewski and Jorge Alvarado investigate what seems to be a simple murder of four homeless people by a powerful supervillain. Unknown to them, the murders are connected to how Spectacular Man got hurt. Now Zimmerman must choose between the person she cares about and her duty as a cop.


The great metropolis of Super City is the home of dozens of costumed heroes — the Terrific Trio, the Bruiser, the Superior Six, the Cowboy, and many more — who do battle against the super-villains who terrorize the citizenry.

These aren’t their stories …

When the heroes are done punching out the villains, it’s left to the stalwart men and women of the Super City Police Department to restrain them, arrest them, and hope that this time there’s enough evidence to actually convict them.

Just another day on the job for the Super City Cops.

All About Me

Hey, all, author me is taking over the blog this morning. I’ve had two wonderful publications (at least, I think they’re wonderful, though I admit to the possibility of bias) out in the last few months, and I’ve been too busy to do proper promotion for them. Bad author, no cookie.

faultlines-front-cover-final Soooo… Today I’m going to say a bit about them both. You may have heard me talk a bit about FAULTLINES, my young adult thriller, which is so near and dear to my heart. In brief, FAULTLINES is about a girl whose world is turned upside down by her best friend’s suicide. Vanessa is devastated by her best friend’s death, and blindsided as well. Lisa had pushed her and everyone else away in the months before her death, so Vanessa has no idea what led up to it, though she feels she owes it to Lisa to find out and put all the horrible rumors to rest. But while she’s reconstructing the events of Lisa’s life, someone begins taking revenge against those they perceive drove her to her death. Vanessa might approve of this vigilante, Poetic Justice, if the pranks weren’t growing more and more serious and if everyone didn’t assume it was her taking revenge and react accordingly. As the danger level of the pranks and retaliations mount, it becomes clear that no one is safe.

There are a few exciting new developments on this book. There’s an excerpt of the book now up on the YA Chicks blog! Earlier this week, the fantastic Mia Siegert (author of JERKBAIT) put up a fabulous review and Spotify playlist for the book. The editors of The Big Thrill have been very good to me, posting and tweeting out my interview in the International Thriller Writers newsletter.

For anyone who can’t get enough of hearing me talk (no? just me then? oh, hi, Mom!), there are also these guest posts and interviews for the book:

Books, Coffee, and Crafts – where, of course, I talk about books, coffee and crafts

Slippery Words – where I talk about where the story started for me and why it’s important

Deborah Blake’s Blog – about switching gears from humor to more serious stuff

Tez Says – the problem with the no-ripple approach

YA Books Central Interview

Fiction University – Punching Up Your Prose

And not to give anything away, but two recent, very personal posts that tie in to issues in the book:

A Personal Post for Bullying Awareness Week


tribulations-cover And now for something completely different! Faith Hunter put together two wonderful anthologies of stories set in her Rogue Mage world (novels: BLOODRING, SERAPHS, HOST), and I’m very pleased to have a story in  TRIBULATIONS!  Inspired by my trip to Ireland, my story “Rolling Stone” follows Aoife Cleary, traveling talespinner and a little bit more. And…well, you can read all about it in my Q&A over on Faith Hunter’s blog or you can pick up the anthology and read the story itself (and I hope you will).

Well, that’s it for now, but I should have new and exciting news soon, so stay tuned!

New Releases and Award Noms!

I missed my blog post last week for very good reason – two wonderful people in town, first my best friend from college, Su, and then Christie Golden, who I’ve worked with ever since my very first year as an agent.  (You can read all about how we met and came to work together here.) She’s going to be back through town this coming weekend, and we’re looking forward to going together to see the Assassin’s Creed movie that she did the novelization for. She’s seen it countless times, mind you, but not yet on the big screen, so this will be a treat for us all!

Missing the blog means that while I tweeted and Facebooked, I didn’t post here about last week’s exciting release of “Phantom Kiss,” the new Chicagoland Vampires novella by Chloe Neill. Really, really, this is not to be missed! Check it!

phantom-kiss PHANTOM KISS by Chloe Neill (Kindle, Nook, Kobo)

In this all-new novella from the New York Times bestselling author of Midnight Marked, Merit, Ethan, and the rest of Cadogan House crew discover that not all undead creatures are kindred spirits…

Vampires generally aren’t afraid of things that go bump in the night, but Merit and Ethan are extra jumpy after a recent attack by a dark sorcerer. So when they learn that someone is messing with graves in Chicago’s cemeteries, stealing skulls and snatching souls, they fear that their powerful foe might be back for even more magical vengeance.

But after a specter begins haunting Cadogan House—and targeting vampires—they realize that they’re being taunted by an altogether different sort of monster. A ghoulish villain straight out of the Windy City’s urban legends is on the prowl—and he won’t stop until he’s killed again…

Includes a sneak peek of Blade Bound, the epic final novel in the New York Times bestselling Chicagoland Vampires series.

I’m also very pleased to post The Knight Agency’s nominees for the RT Book Awards! Congratulations to Nalini Singh, Deborah Blake, R.S. Belcher, N.K. Jemisin and Karen Booth for your nominations!

Digital or Self-Published Contemporary Romance

ROCK WEDDING  Nalini Singh 

Paranormal Romance



Urban Fantasy Worldbuilding


High Fantasy


Series Romance


Paranormal Worldbuilding


US Releases, New Deal and other Excitement!

The cat’s out of the bag! Orbit has announced their new acquisition (and our new sale) of three new books by Hugo-award-winning author N.K. Jemisin. Very exciting!

Aaand…(*drum roll please*)…the YA Chicks have announced new chicks, a new blog and an awesome new giveaway that you might just want to check out here.

Plus, I have two exciting new US releases to announce today: THE BURNING PAGE by Genevieve Cogman and BRIMSTONE BRIDE by Barbara J. Hancock!

burning-page-us THE BURNING PAGE by Genevieve Cogman

Book 3 in the Invisible Library series (beginning with THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY and THE MASKED CITY)

Librarian spy Irene and her apprentice Kai return for another “tremendously fun, rip-roaring adventure,” (A Fantastical Librarian) third in the bibliophilic fantasy series from the author of The Masked City.
Never judge a book by its cover…
Due to her involvement in an unfortunate set of mishaps between the dragons and the Fae, Librarian spy Irene is stuck on probation, doing what should be simple fetch-and-retrieve projects for the mysterious Library. But trouble has a tendency to find both Irene and her apprentice, Kai—a dragon prince—and, before they know it, they are entangled in more danger than they can handle…

Irene’s longtime nemesis, Alberich, has once again been making waves across multiple worlds, and, this time, his goals are much larger than obtaining a single book or wreaking vengeance upon a single Librarian. He aims to destroy the entire Library—and make sure Irene goes down with it.

With so much at stake, Irene will need every tool at her disposal to stay alive. But even as she draws her allies close around her, the greatest danger might be lurking from somewhere close—someone she never expected to betray her…

*Omnivoracious has THE BURNING PAGE as one of their Top Five Picks for January in SF & F

*Barnes & Noble has also highlighted it on their list of this week’s new Sci-Fi & Fantasy

brimstone-bride-us BRIMSTONE BRIDE by Barbara J. Hancock


Stranger, Seductress or His Salvation? 

One hundred years ago, Adam Turov, master of Nightingale Vineyards, bartered his soul for freedom from the Order of Samuel and their Rogue daemon allies. But he didn’t know true damnation until Victoria D’Arcy crossed the billionaire vintner’s threshold… Sworn to protect her, Adam must resist with every fiber of his being a voice that sounds like an angel singing and her potent charm.

An unwilling pawn of the Order, Victoria must betray Adam to save her young son. Yet the more time she spends at his estate on her clandestine mission, the harder it becomes to deny the Brimstone heat scorching a path of desire between them…




New Year, New Releases, New Shout Outs!

Happy New Year! Despite our challenges ahead, I hope it truly will be a happy, healthy, hopeful, magical new year for you all.

I’m excited about the kick off to the year, which has already included:

I have a happy book birthday shout-out as well! Or a happy novella birthday, anyway, for Keith R.A. Decandido’s Super City Cops: UNDERCOVER BLUES, the second in the series after SCC: AVENGING AMETHYST, which was published last month.


The great metropolis of Super City is the home of dozens of costumed heroes — the Terrific Trio, the Bruiser, the Superlative Six, the Cowboy, and many more — who do battle against the super-villains who terrorize the citizenry.

These aren’t their stories …

When the heroes are done punching out the villains, it’s left to the stalwart men and women of the Super City Police Department to restrain them, arrest them, and hope that this time there’s enough evidence to actually convict them.

Just another day on the job for the Super City Cops.

New Releases!

Happy Holidays, everyone! The office is officially closed between now and New Years, but I’ve got some finishing up to do, so I’m in today and excited to post about this week’s new releases: THE DREAMBLOOD DUOLOGY by award-winning author N.K. Jemisin and the official movie novelization for ASSASSIN’S CREED by Christie Golden! More info below.

dreamblood-duology THE DREAMBLOOD DUOLOGY by N.K. Jemisin (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Indiebound)

The Dreamblood Duology includes the novels The Killing Moon (nominated for the Nebula and World Fantasy awards) and The Shadowed Sun.

“One of the most celebrated new voices in epic fantasy.” — Salon.com

The city burned beneath the Dreaming Moon. In the ancient city-state of Gujaareh, peace is the only law. Upon its rooftops and amongst the shadows of its cobbled streets wait the Gatherers — the keepers of this peace. Priests of the dream-goddess, their duty is to harvest the magic of the sleeping mind and use it to heal, soothe . . . and kill those judged corrupt. But when a conspiracy blooms within Gujaareh’s great temple, Ehiru — the most famous of the city’s Gatherers — must question everything he knows. Someone, or something, is murdering dreamers in the goddess’ name, stalking its prey both in Gujaareh’s alleys and the realm of dreams. Ehiru must now protect the woman he was sent to kill — or watch the city be devoured by war and forbidden magic.

assassins-creed-novelization ASSASSIN’S CREED: The Official Movie Novelization by Christie Golden (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Indiebound)

The official movie novelization of the “Assassin’s Creed” motion picture starring Michael Fassbender.

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins.

Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.


Faith Hunter is bringing out two new anthologies of Rogue Mage stories: TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS, later to be combined into an omnibus edition for print called TRIUMPHANT.  Last month I revealed the cover for the first, and today I’m pleased to reveal the cover for the second, TRIBULATIONS, which includes a story written by me!

Tribulations Cover.jpg

17 Vignettes and Short Stories set in Faith Hunter’s World of Thorn St. Croix

The Rogue Mage story began with the post-apocalyptic novels BLOODRING, SERAPHS, and HOST, when epic battles between Thorn St. Croix and the forces of Darkness were fought. TRIBULATIONS (Rogue Mage Anthology Vol. II) takes place during and after the series timeline. These stories and vignettes, set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world, are adventures with new characters and old, facing Darkness and an uncertain future.

The relationships between seraphs, kylen, second-unforeseen, mages, seraph-touched, spawn, humans grow deeper, and the battles with dragons and their creatures grow more dangerous. TRIBULATIONS features new short stories from five authors—including Faith Hunter—and vignettes from the Rogue Mage role playing game.

TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS will soon be followed by TRIUMPHANT—the paperback omnibus (both Anthology Volumes I and II in a bound format).

TRIBULATIONS Authors: Faith Hunter, Jean Rabe, Spike Y Jones, Christina Stiles, Lucienne Diver.