Super-huge Release Week!

This is a super-mega-huge release week, so even though I’m away (don’t hate me because I’m off on a cruise in the Bahamas) I didn’t want to miss wishing Alli Sinclair, Shannon Curtis, Beth Cornelison, Genevieve Cogman or Keith R.A. DeCandido big happy book birthdays!  Happy reading, all!

under-the-spanish-stars-us UNDER THE SPANISH STARS by Alli Sinclair (US release from Kensington’s Lyrical Press, AUS/NZ edition from MIRA Australia already out)

Amid the vivid beauty of Granada, a woman entrusted with unraveling a family secret will discover the truth about her heritage–and the alluring promise of love…

When her beloved grandmother falls ill, Charlotte Kavanagh will do whatever she asks of her–even if it means traveling to a country that broke her abuela’s heart. Can an unsigned painting of a flamenco dancer unlock the secrets of her grandmother’s youth in Spain? To find the answers she needs, Charlotte must convince the charismatic and gifted musician, Mateo Vives to introduce her to a secluded gypsy clan.

The enigmatic Mateo speaks the true language of flamenco, a culture Charlotte must learn to appreciate if she wants to understand her grandmother’s past–and the flamenco legend that has moved souls to beauty, and bodies to the heights of passion. As Mateo leads her into the captivating world of the music and the dance, Charlotte embraces her own long-denied creative gift and the possibility of a future rich with joy…”

warrior-untamedWARRIOR UNTAMED by Shannon Curtis (Harlequin Nocturne)

A witch’s spell…a warrior’s curse 

If not for her protective wards, witch Melissa Carter would be dead at the hands of her enemy, shadow breed Hunter Galen. Now he’s her prisoner. Though she tortures the powerful warrior with spells, he torments her with dark fantasies, inciting a forbidden lust too strong to deny.

Hunter must escape to complete his mission—destroy his father, who vowed revenge on him and his beautiful captor. But a warrior mates for life and now Hunter must protect Melissa—his mortal enemy and unlikely love. Doing so means descending into the underground world of the Darkken, a place so evil they might not come out alive…

colton-christmas-protector COLTON CHRISTMAS PROTECTOR by Beth Cornelison (Harlequin Romantic Suspense)

The Coltons of Texas saga reaches its thrilling climax with a tale of Christmas justice!

Ex-cop Reid Colton is working double-time to help beautiful widow Penelope Barrington Clark. While investigating her dad, his family lawyer, the two are also trying to uncover who murdered Pen’s husband…all while keeping their relationship professional! But when a bullet and their forbidden attraction change everything, it’s Reid to the rescue, determined to guard Pen and her son with his life.

The last thing Penelope wants is to fall for a sexy Colton who’s not looking for forever. Yet as Christmas approaches and their investigation heats up, the three start to feel like a family. And the best present of all? Solving the Colton clan’s biggest mystery!

the-burning-page-uk THE BURNING PAGE by Genevieve Cogman (UK release from Macmillan UK, US release by Roc will be January 10th)

The third title in Genevieve Cogman’s clever and exciting The Invisible Library series, The Burning Page is an action-packed literary adventure!

When it’s your job to save the day – where do you start?

Librarian spy Irene has standards to maintain, especially while on probation. And absconding from a mission via a besieged building doesn’t look good. But when her escape route home goes up in flames, what’s a spy to do? However, it seems Gates back to the Library are malfunctioning across dozens of worlds. Worse still, her nemesis Alberich is responsible -and he plans to annihilate the Library itself.

Irene and assistant Kai are posted to St Petersburg, to help combat this threat. Here Alberich emerges, as Irene tries to save her friend Vale and foil assassination attempts. Then one incredibly dangerous opportunity to save the Library emerges. Saving herself would be a bonus . . .

Irene’s adventures feature stolen books, secret agents and forbidden societies – think Doctor Who but with librarian spies!

super-city-cops SUPER CITY COPS: AVENGING AMETHYST by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Bastei Entertainment)

The great metropolis of Super City is the home of dozens of costumed heroes — the Terrific Trio, the Bruiser, the Superior Six, the Cowboy, and many more — who do battle against the super-villains who terrorize the citizenry.

These aren’t their stories …

When the heroes are done punching out the villains, it’s left to the stalwart men and women of the Super City Police Department to restrain them, arrest them, and hope that this time there’s enough evidence to actually convict them.

Just another day on the job for the Super City Cops.


Amethyst, one of the most renowned and mysterious costumed heroes of Super City, is found dead on a rooftop. Detectives Kristin Milewski and Jorge Alvarado of the Super City Police Department are assigned to the case-but every answer they turn up with regards to who Amethyst is and how and why he died just gives them more questions.

Complicating the investigation are the rest of the superheroic community, who are looking for revenge for their fallen comrade-plus there are reports of a new Amethyst! Same powers, same costume, but a much nastier attitude …

Awards, Best of Lists and Travel, oh my!

Closing the week out on a high note, I want to send out a great, big, virtual high five to my new award-winners and those who are burning up the best of lists, so here we go!

Congratulations to:

under-the-spanish-stars-au Alli Sinclair for winning Best Established Author and Best Cover for her novel UNDER THE SPANISH STARS (AUS/NZ edition)  in the 2016 AusRom Today Readers’ Choice Awards!

invisible library us Genevieve Cogman for all the great attention for THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY:

Barnes & Nobles’ list of The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016

Amazon’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016

Library Journal’s Best Books of 2016: Science Fiction & Fantasy

German edition (Die Unsichtbare Bibliothek) won Silver in the Der Leiserpreis Awards

obelisk gate N.K. Jemisin for THE OBELISK GATE appearing on:

Barnes & Nobles’ list of The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016

Amazon’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016

Kirkus’s Best Fiction of 2016

fifth season N.K. Jemisin for THE FIFTH SEASON hitting:

The Guardian’s Best Books of 2016 Science Fiction and Fantasy

I know you’ve all heard me crow already about her Hugo-Award win!

In completely unrelated news, there are two weeks left to enter YA Books Central’s giveaway of my new release FAULTLINES! (Though it wouldn’t break my heart if you want to grab your copy now rather than wait and hope. Either way, I won’t judge!)

I’ll try to set my blog to post my happy book birthdays for next week (there are a ton of them!) while I’m away, but otherwise, all will be quiet on the bloggish front while I take a much-needed few days off to snorkel and cruise with my husband.

New releases with a side of awesome

Some really fun new released today, some great deals and other book news!

First, I’m excited to congratulation Genevieve Cogman, who just won the Silver in Der Leserpreis’s Book Awards in the Fantasy and Science Fiction category for the German edition of THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY (DIE UNSICHTBARE BIBLIOTHEK)!

Second, there are still a few hours left in’s CyberMonday sale, which includes deals on a lot of great books, including some by Knight Agency authors, N.K. Jemisin, Gena Showalter, Faith Hunter, Chloe Neill and R.S. Belcher.

Third, the new Knight Agency newsletter came out last week, so in case you missed it in the Thanksgiving madness, here’s a link!

And now, without further ado, I’m excited to post about this week’s new releases: TRIALS, an anthology set in Faith Hunter’s acclaimed Rogue Mage world, and THE BLACKLIST: THE BEEKEEPER No. 159 by Steven Piziks! More below.

rma1_trials-ebook-cover TRIALS ed. by Spike Y Jones and Faith Hunter (B&N, Amazon)

21 Vignettes and Short Stories set in Faith Hunter’s World of Thorn St. Croix.

The Rogue Mage world began long ago, when the epic battle between the High Host and the Darkness was won and lost. TRIALS takes fans of Thorn St. Croix into the past, before the opening pages of BLOODRING. These stories, set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world, are adventures with new characters and old, facing dangers unimaginable. And they must save the world all over again.

If you ever wondered what happened between seraphs, kylen, second-unforeseen, mages, seraph-touched, spawn, humans, dragons, and their creatures before the series, now is your chance to delve deeper and wider. TRIALS features new short stories from nine authors—including Faith Hunter—and vignettes from the Rogue Mage role playing game.

TRIALS will be followed soon by TRIBULATIONS, and then by the omnibus TRIUMPHANT.

TRIALS Authors: Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Lou J Berger, Ken Schrader, Spike Y Jones, Diana Pharaoh Francis, Christina Stiles, Tamsin Silver, Melissa McArthur.

TRIBULATIONS Authors: Faith Hunter, Jean Rabe, Spike Y Jones, Christina Stiles, and Lucienne Diver.

blacklist THE BLACKLIST: THE BEEKEEPER No. 159 by Steven Piziks (B&N, Amazon, Indiebound)

A brand-new original The Blacklist novel. Raymond Reddington brings Elizabeth Keen a new Blacklister: the Bodysnatcher, an unnamed, unknown man who has turned kidnapping into an art form. But when Lizzie and the team move to intercept the Bodysnatcher, they discover that he is not their real target. Their real target is much more sinister and it will take all their strength and dedication to resist him – and to discover what Reddington is really after.

A Personal Post for Bullying Awareness Week

Years ago, horrified by the stories of teens bullied to death and hoping to make a difference, two young adult authors, Megan Kelley Hall and Carrie Jones invited other authors to contribute to a volume which came to be called DEAR BULLY: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever been a part of.

My new novel FAULTLINES came out a week ago. It’s quite a departure for me. Those who’ve followed my Vamped and Latter-Day Olympians series might know me for more for snark than serious fiction. But FAULTLINES is about as real as it gets. I’ve been asked several times whether the story was inspired by real life events, and the brief answer is yes. Several of the characters…well, I’ve felt their pain, and I’ve wanted to address it for quite some time, maybe ever since I wrote my essay “Abuse” for the DEAR BULLY anthology, reproduced below. Please, if you think there’s anyone who needs to hear it, I hope that you’ll share.


I write humor because I’m not comfortable with emotion. When this anthology was proposed, I was sure I wouldn’t have anything to contribute. But as my stomach proceeded to eat itself alive and my heart to break for those kids who were bullied to the point where they felt the only way out was death, I realized I was wrong. I did have a story to tell. Sadly, there’s nothing at all funny about it.

I was molested as a child. Wait for it, I promise there’s relevance or there’s no way I would put this out there to the world. The man was a neighbor and someone who worked with my father. I was about seven. I was/still am asthmatic. The first time it happened, I was out for a bike ride through the woods with friends and had to stop because my asthma had kicked up, and they left me behind. Prey.

I don’t like to talk about what happened then. I don’t know if that neighbor had just happened to be out for a ride when we were or if he’d been watching us, waiting for a straggler, but he took advantage of the privacy of the setting and the fact that we were alone to take advantage of me. It happened a few times after that, when my parents allowed him to take me “fishing” because I hadn’t told them what had happened. I hadn’t told anyone and wouldn’t for years.

Molesters are master manipulators. They try to make their victims complicit with their silence, telling them their parents will be angry or won’t believe them. Or they give their victims terrible options of “I could do this or this” and make it seem like a choice. For years, I felt terrible guilt. For years, I prayed to God every night to forgive me, because I was sure it was all my fault in some way. He never answered.

It wasn’t until I was around twelve that my mother had “the talk” with my sister and me, about dangers, how we could tell her anything…. I was so upset that I excused myself, went off to my room and wrote her a note (I’ve always escaped through writing). I’d transferred my anger. I still hadn’t forgiven myself, but now I was angry at her, at my father, at everyone for not telling me sooner how to protect myself and that I COULD HAVE TOLD, which is something I want EVERYONE to know. So, I’m saying it in case your parents don’t.

To say that she was upset would be an understatement. How she handled it…I can’t say that I blame her or that she did anything wrong, but it made things very difficult for me. My mother called all the mothers on the block and told them so that they could watch out for the man. Unfortunately, she also told them what had happened to me, and they told their kids. I don’t blame them either, they were trying to protect their children, but the result was that everyone in the neighborhood knew. They knew what had happened, they knew the button to push to get a rise out of me.

In case you’re wondering, my father, with whom I’d always had a tumultuous relationship, called the man and threatened that if he ever came near me again, my father would make sure that he lost everything. It was the day I started loving my father.

Now, I’d always been a geek, a brain, asthmatic, rail-thin, always snuffling from allergies and out of school for my health issues as much as I was in. In short, there was no dearth of material to tease me about, but I’d always escaped into books, sometimes three a day. I wasn’t terribly concerned about playing outside anymore (wonder why) or what people thought of me there. But now the kids had a surefire taunt, something I couldn’t ignore, couldn’t not react to.

Kids can be cruel and, for some reason, the cruelest often fall below people’s radar, either because they’re very good at being two-faced or because their parents don’t pay enough attention to note and correct the bad behaviors. Some even enable the bullies through denial or what they perceive as standing up for their kids, not realizing that it only allows the child to keep behaving horribly without fear of repercussions. We had more than one such kid in our neighborhood, but the bully who inspired this piece, who later evolved into our local drug dealer, happened to taunt me while I held an aluminum bat in my hand. All the neighborhood kids were gathered for a game of softball at the end of our cul-de-sac. I don’t even remember what started our debate now, but given the bat, I assume it was whether the ball I’d just hit had been in or out of bounds. Whatever started the fight, the boy thought he had a perfect way to finish it. So easy to shut someone up when you knock all the wind out of them by bringing their deepest, soul-shriveling moments into the light.

My vision flared red. The bat was already in hand, and suddenly it was in motion. His head was the ball and I was prepared to hit a home run. If my vision hadn’t cleared and I hadn’t seen his face at that very last second, stricken with absolute terror, there’s no telling what would have happened. I could have done irreparable harm to another human being. I could have killed. I managed to pull the blow at the last second, and he lived to tell about the experience…and get me into all the trouble I deserved. But I was a hairs-breath away from murder.

I’m not pulling the punch now, here. Sometimes, it’s better to tell.

I wish it went without saying that bullying is horrible and dangerous, for the victim as well as the perpetrator. The target can just as easily turn his or her rage outward as inward. If bullies won’t stop for the sheer humanity of it, I hope they’ll stop for the simple drive for self-preservation. To this day, I’m horrified by what I almost did. If I hadn’t pulled my swing, I’d have had to live with what I did forever. The bully would have had to live…or die…with the consequences.

I didn’t grow up in a family comfortable with emotion. I’ll never forget getting into trouble when I cried or having my father send me to my room once with a book called, I believe, “The Erroneous Zones” that postulated that emotions were societal constructs and that the reason we felt sorrow, for example, when our grandmothers died was that it was expected of us. I think that day with the bat, I started to accept, not that emotions didn’t exist, but that they were dangerous things. That was the day I started to shut down.

It hampered my relationships and my writing for many years. Maybe still. It’s hard to emotionally invest your reader when you refuse to open yourself to emotion to begin with. But maybe, just maybe I’m getting better. Maybe opening the floodgates with this will even help me on the road to recovery. I love my humor, but I hope that with the healing, I’ll be comfortable adding in a little more heart.


Where you can go to find help:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 1-800-799-4889 Español:  1-888-628-9454

Crisis Text Line TEXT “SEMI” to 741-741

National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4.A.CHILD (422-4453)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Alliance of Hope – for suicide loss survivors

The Trevor Project – crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ Youth – 1-866-488-7386

Cover Reveal!

rma1_trials-ebook-cover Next month, LoreSeekers Press is putting out two anthologies set in Faith Hunter’s amazing Rogue Mage series. I’m so pleased to reveal the cover for the first volume, TRIALS. The cover for the second, TRIBULATIONS (which will contain my story “Rolling Stone”) will be coming soon!  More info:

The Rogue Mage world began long ago, when the epic battle between the High Host and the Darkness was won and lost. Now, nine writers—including Faith Hunter herself—take fans of Thorn St. Croix into the past, before the opening pages of BLOODRING. These stories, set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world, are adventures with new characters and old, facing dangers unimaginable. And they must save the world all over again.

If you ever wondered what happened between seraphs, kylen, second-unforeseen, mages, seraph-touched, spawn, humans, dragons, and their creatures before the series, now is your chance to delve deeper and wider. The e-book TRIALS presents twenty-one vignettes and short stories. TRIALS will be followed soon by TRIBULATIONS, and then by the trade paperback omnibus TRIUMPHANT. Enjoy!

TRIALS Authors: Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Lou J Berger, Ken Schrader, Spike Y Jones, Diana Pharaoh Frances, Christina Stiles, Tamsin Silver, Melissa McArthur.

Pre-order links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble

TRIBULATIONS Authors: Faith Hunter, Jean Rabe, Spike Y Jones, Christina Stiles, and Lucienne Diver.

So much excitement!

There’s so much excitement going on this week that I’m bursting with news! Check it:

Amy Christine Parker appeared this week on Tampa Bay’s Morning Blend in association with yesterday’s Teen Author Festival at the SouthShore Regional Library in Ruskin. I hope to find time to write up a full report on that soon, but long story short, it was a great event with incredible people. In addition to Amy Christine Parker and me, they had Alethea Kontis, Christina Farley, Vivi Barnes, Martina Boone, Jodi Meadows, Sarah Nicolas and Jeff Yager. What an incredible bunch!

In other news, N.K. Jemisin’s THE OBELISK GATE and Genevieve Cogman’s THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY have been burning up this year’s best of lists! To date:

THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY and THE OBELISK GATE  made Barnes & Nobles’ list of The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016 and Amazon’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016!

Kirkus included THE OBELISK GATE in its Best Fiction of 2016.

THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY (in its German edition DIE UNSICHTBARE BIBLIOTHEK) is shortlisted for Der Leiserpreis on!

If you haven’t picked up THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY series, now would be a great time to get the first two (THE INVISIBLE LIBRARY and THE MASKED CITY) and to enter the Goodreads giveaway for the upcoming third book, THE BURNING PAGE!

In even more news, Justine Magazine just did posted their cover reveal and teaser for ASH & QUILL, the conclusion to Rachel Caine’s amazing Great Library series!

faultlines-front-cover-final And last, but hopefully not least, I have my own excitement going on over at YA Books Central, an interview and giveaway for my new novel, FAULTLINES! I hope you’ll check it out.

Happy Book Birthdays!

I’m very excited to share the book birthday for my new release, FAULTLINES, with awesome authors Christie Golden (ASSASSIN’S CREED: HERESY) and Keith R.A. DeCandido (Marvel’s Sif: EVEN DRAGONS HAVE THEIR ENDINGS). Happy book birthdays, Christie and Keith! For you readers out there, you’re in for a treat with these new releases, information below!

In celebration of FAULTLINES, I’m guest blogging today for Tez Miller on the new novel as well as being the change you want to see and for Deborah Blake’s Writing the Witchy Way on switching gears, since FAULTLINES, as a YA thriller and issue book, is so different from what I’ve written before. Also on Deborah’s blog, there’s a giveaway, so please go, read, comment and be entered for your chance to win!

ac-heresy ASSASSIN’S CREED: HERESY by Christie Golden [B&N, Amazon, Kobo, Indiebound]

From New York Times bestselling author Christie Golden comes an original story set in the universe of Assassin’s Creed.  Reliving the memories of his ancestor who fought beside Joan of Arc, high-ranking Templar Simon Hathaway slowly uncovers secrets of the past that could dangerously impact his present…and that of the entire Templar order.

An endless conflict.  An old wrong.  A new revelation.  

Simon Hathaway, member of the Templar Inner Sanctum, brings a cool head and detached manner to his new role as Head of Abstergo Industry’s Historical Research Division.

But Simon also has an insatiable curiosity, and is fascinated by the thought of experiencing history first-hand through his ancestor–Gabriel Laxart, who fought alongside the legendary Joan of Arc.

When he enters the newly-designed Animus for its initial project, Simon finds himself unprepared for what he discovers: How deep the conflict between the Templars and the Assassins goes. What Gabriel will do for the woman he both loves and reveres.

And the most dangerous truth of all: Who is the heretic…and who is the true believer.

sif MARVEL’S SIF: EVEN DRAGONS HAVE THEIR ENDINGS by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Book 2 in the Tales of Asgard Trilogy) [Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Indie Bound]

In book two of the Tales of Asgard Trilogy another legendary hero takes center stage, as Marvel’s Sif comes to the defense of a village under attack by a dragon. But this is no ordinary dragon, and when Sif tracks it to its lair, she learns that the dragon used to be a man, cursed because of his lust for gold. Now she must find a way to save both the village and the man within the beast. The epic trilogy continues with The Warriors Three in the final installment of the series, coming in June 2016.


And in case you haven’t seen this already…

faultlines-front-cover-final FAULTLINES by Lucienne Diver [B&N, Amazon, Books-a-million, Indiebound]

“Vivid, suspenseful, and charming, Diver creates a world where anything can happen in this must-read page-turner.” —Carrie Jones, New York Times bestselling author of the Need series

“Faultlines blew me away! A tense, suspenseful read that will break your heart and keep you guessing right up until the very end.” —Amy Christine Parker, author of GATED and ASTRAY

Six months ago Vanessa Raines lost her best friend.

Lisa had changed, pushing away everyone close to her, even Vanessa. She had quit soccer. Started wearing dark and dismal clothes. She refused every offer to talk and suffered whatever she was going through in silence. Now she’s really gone. Suicide they claim, but Vanessa knows that isn’t right. It can’t be.

Vanessa blames herself for letting Lisa chase her off. She wants answers, so that she can put to rest the rumors surrounding Lisa’s death and so that she can move on, heal. But Lisa left no note and the journal she was always scribbling in—which might tell all—is mysteriously missing.

As Vanessa struggles to come to terms with the loss of her friend and to reconstruct the last months of Lisa’s life, someone calling themselves “Poetic Justice” begins taking revenge against those he or she thinks drove Lisa to suicide. Everyone at school believes Vanessa is this mysterious “Poetic Justice”. It’s easy to blame the former best friend, and Vanessa makes an obvious target.

Struggling with her own guilt, Vanessa is determined to ignore the threats and allegations aimed her way. But as Poetic Justice’s vengeance takes a darker turn, retaliation against Vanessa begins to escalate, from cyber bullying to violence, putting both her and the little sister she adores in the line of fire. To protect them both, she has to find out who’s behind the attacks before things turn deadly. And hope she can survive the truth.

Release week!

I must have started today’s blog a dozen times, because it’s difficult to think of much else right now beyond concern over the direction our country is headed. (For the record, I’m choosing activism over acceptance. For those like-minded, I’m happy to supply this link of “pro-women, pro-immigrant, pro-Earth, anti-bigotry organizations” you might consider supporting.)

But there is something else front and center of my mind today, and that’s the release of my new novel FAULTLINES. This is a book very close to my heart, perhaps even more so right now given the new wave of hopelessness and abuse many are suffering in the wake of the election. FAULTLINES is a young adult suspense novel – fiction but dealing with issues that are unfortunately all too real.  This weekend I talked with Books, Coffee and Craft News about the need to create. Today I’m over on the Slippery Words blog discussing my need to write this book in particular and talking about some of the themes.  I hope you’ll read along and check back here frequently (or follow me on Twitter or Facebook) for other blog stops, some with giveaways!

I’m also pleased to post up here the cover, quotes, copy and buy links in case you’d like to grab your own copy of FAULTLINES, which releases tomorrow from Bella Rosa Books!

faultlines-front-cover-final “Vivid, suspenseful, and charming, Diver creates a world where anything can happen in this must-read page-turner.” —Carrie Jones, New York Times bestselling author of the Need series

“Faultlines blew me away! A tense, suspenseful read that will break your heart and keep you guessing right up until the very end.” —Amy Christine Parker, author of GATED and ASTRAY

Six months ago Vanessa Raines lost her best friend.

Lisa had changed, pushing away everyone close to her, even Vanessa. She had quit soccer. Started wearing dark and dismal clothes. She refused every offer to talk and suffered whatever she was going through in silence. Now she’s really gone. Suicide they claim, but Vanessa knows that isn’t right. It can’t be.

Vanessa blames herself for letting Lisa chase her off. She wants answers, so that she can put to rest the rumors surrounding Lisa’s death and so that she can move on, heal. But Lisa left no note and the journal she was always scribbling in—which might tell all—is mysteriously missing.

As Vanessa struggles to come to terms with the loss of her friend and to reconstruct the last months of Lisa’s life, someone calling themselves “Poetic Justice” begins taking revenge against those he or she thinks drove Lisa to suicide. Everyone at school believes Vanessa is this mysterious “Poetic Justice”. It’s easy to blame the former best friend, and Vanessa makes an obvious target.

Struggling with her own guilt, Vanessa is determined to ignore the threats and allegations aimed her way. But as Poetic Justice’s vengeance takes a darker turn, retaliation against Vanessa begins to escalate, from cyber bullying to violence, putting both her and the little sister she adores in the line of fire. To protect them both, she has to find out who’s behind the attacks before things turn deadly. And hope she can survive the truth.

Buy links:







Happy Election Day, Happy Release Day!

Happy Election Day! At least, I hope that it will be a happy election day. Signs are good. Time will tell. The alternative…doesn’t bear thinking about. So get out there and vote, hopefully for progress rather than regress. For positivity instead of hate, misogyny, bigotry, bullying.  Well, I think you all know my stand by now. If not, my earlier post on victimization may give you some clue. Going positive now myself – I’m with her. I’m excited that within the past decade, we’ve seen the first African-American president and that we’ll very likely see the first female president as well. I’m excited that kids are growing up to see change and progress and ceilings being shattered. We’ve got a long way to go, and we can’t rest, but it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come.

I’m also excited about two new November releases by Karen Whiddon, one a two-in-one with Addison Fox! If you need a break from this election, if you love love, here are some excellent options!

hunter-under-the-mistletoe A HUNTER UNDER THE MISTLETOE (2-in-1 with Karen Whiddon and Addison Fox)

Passion is ablaze under the Las Vegas sun this holiday season 

All Is Bright by Addison Fox 

But all is certainly not calm. Not with his employee, Evangeline Kennedy, posing an impossible temptation for Rafael Stavros. Not when all signs suggest Evangeline could put the whole race of Helios—a very sexy race of supernatural phoenixes—in danger. But Rafe knows not to trust appearances in Vegas. Especially when his heart tells him otherwise!

Heat of a Helios by Karen Whiddon 

This Christmas, all pop star Meghan Frost wants is Gabriel Stavros. But little does she know that the hunk who runs the Archangel casino is really a Helios. Or that he’s her age-old enemy. Dare she believe in some holiday magic that could unite the unlikeliest of allies?

runaway colton.jpg RUNAWAY COLTON by Karen Whiddon

In the newest Coltons of Texas romance, a woman framed for a heinous crime falls for the man who must bring her safely home 

Wrongfully accused of masterminding her adoptive father’s disappearance, Piper Colton needs answers. So she leaves the family ranch behind to embark on a dangerous mission…but she’s not alone for long. Her brother enlists the help of Cord Maxwell—a local bounty hunter—to ensure his sister’s safe return. But Cord has an agenda of his own, and it’s not just to avoid falling for the Colton beauty! He promises to help her in exchange if she’ll help him track down his runaway niece—and stay with him. It’s an offer she cannot resist and a powerful attraction she cannot deny…

New Urban Fantasy releases!

First, if you missed the trick-or-treaters last night (or just want a fast, run read), check out my story in the Coastal Magic Halloween Flash Fiction event. I had a blast writing it, and if it’s one third as much fun to read…well, you get the point!

In other news, Barnes & Noble called N.K. Jemisin’s THE FIFTH SEASON “essential reading for every fantasy reader” and named it in the SF & Fantasy Blog’s new post on Defining the Genre: 7 Novels of Afrofuturism.  Also, Publishers Weekly named the sequel, THE OBELISK GATE, one of the 20 Best Novels of 2016!

This is a fabulous week for urban/contemporary fantasy readers! Faith Hunter has a new book out in her new Soulwood series, CURSE ON THE LAND, and Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes have co-edited the SHADOWED SOULS anthology, containing amazing stories by a host of equally amazing authors, including Jim Butcher himself.

curse on the land CURSE ON THE LAND by Faith Hunter, Penguin (B&N, Amazon, Books-a-Million, Indiebound)

Set in the same world as Faith Hunter’s New York Times bestselling Jane Yellowrock novels, the second Soulwood novel tells the story of a woman whose power comes from deep within the earth…
Before Nell Ingram met skinwalker Jane Yellowrock, she had no one to rely on, finding strength only in her arcane connection to the dark woods around her. But now she has friends in the newly formed PsyLED team to keep her grounded—even if being part of the agency responsible for policing paranormals comes with dangers of its own….

After training at the PsyLED academy, Nell returns home to her woods to find the land feeling sick and restless. And that sickness is spreading. With the help of her team, under the leadership of agent Rick LaFleur, Nell tries to determine the cause. But nothing can prepare them for the evil that awaits: an entity that feeds on death itself. And it wants more….

shadowed-souls SHADOWED SOULS ed. by Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes, Penguin (B&N, Amazon, Books-a-Million, Indiebound)

In this dark and gritty collection—featuring short stories from Jim Butcher, Seanan McGuire, Kevin J. Anderson, and Rob Thurman—nothing is as simple as black and white, light and dark, good and evil..

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what makes it so easy to cross the line.

In #1 New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher’s Cold Case, Molly Carpenter—Harry Dresden’s apprentice-turned-Winter Lady—must collect a tribute from a remote Fae colony and discovers that even if you’re a good girl, sometimes you have to be bad…

New York Times bestselling author Seanan McGuire’s Sleepover finds half-succubus Elsie Harrington kidnapped by a group of desperate teenage boys. Not for anything “weird.” They just need her to rescue a little girl from the boogeyman. No biggie.

In New York Times bestselling Kevin J. Anderson’s Eye of Newt, Zombie P.I. Dan Shamble’s latest client is a panicky lizard missing an eye who thinks someone wants him dead. But the truth is that someone only wants him for a very special dinner…

And New York Times bestselling author Rob Thurman’s infernally heroic Caliban Leandros takes a trip down memory lane as he deals with some overdue—and nightmarish—vengeance involving some quite nasty Impossible Monsters.


Tanya Huff * Kat Richardson * Jim C. Hines * Anton Strout * Lucy A. Snyder * Kristine Kathryn Rusch * Erik Scott de Bie *