New Urban Fantasy releases!

First, if you missed the trick-or-treaters last night (or just want a fast, run read), check out my story in the Coastal Magic Halloween Flash Fiction event. I had a blast writing it, and if it’s one third as much fun to read…well, you get the point! In other news, Barnes & Noble called N.K. Jemisin’s THE FIFTHContinue reading “New Urban Fantasy releases!”

So much good

 First, did you all see the debut of the Morganville Vampires webseries over at Geek & Sundry?  Are the characters as you imagined them?  Shane has been my favorite character throughout the series, and the web shows are no exception!  I can’t wait until Myrnin makes an appearance. Second, wishing Christina Henry a very happyContinue reading “So much good”

Two really awesome events

Coastal Magic has become more than a convention for me in the few short years Jennifer Morris has been been running it.  It’s become a family reunion.  Every year she brings together the most amazing people and every year I feel like I’m coming home. If you want a taste of this very awesome event,Continue reading “Two really awesome events”