Awards and books, books, books!

It’s been insanely busy around here, so while I’ve tweeted and Facebooked (yup, today it’s a verb), I haven’t yet blogged my HUGE congratulations to N.K. Jemisin for her Best Novel Nebula Award win for THE STONE SKY! So well-deserved! And congratulations to the other amazing nominees and award-winners! In more recent news, Faith Hunter’sContinue reading “Awards and books, books, books!”

New Urban Fantasy releases!

First, if you missed the trick-or-treaters last night (or just want a fast, run read), check out my story in the Coastal Magic Halloween Flash Fiction event. I had a blast writing it, and if it’s one third as much fun to read…well, you get the point! In other news, Barnes & Noble called N.K. Jemisin’s THE FIFTHContinue reading “New Urban Fantasy releases!”

Shout outs!

 First of all, the most tremendous of all shout outs to N.K. Jemisin for winning the Hugo Award for Best Novel this past weekend for THE FIFTH SEASON. This is such an amazing novel and you’re such an incredible writer.  I’m thrilled to see you getting the recognition you deserve!  And readers, check out thisContinue reading “Shout outs!”